I heard something new that realy makes you wander. If the earth is rotating as they say than how airplanes can go in straight line? If earth is moving under them they should land way off the desired destinacion… 😮 They are not connected to the earth so rotacion shouldnt apply to them, it applyes only to cars and runing animals but not on airplains and bierds… Also when you jump from baloon that is wery high up, you shouldnt fall straight down, if the earth is rotating it should move under you and you could newer fall on the same spot that you jumped over… 🫢

I cant beleave this newer came to my mind for entire life… 😵

  • @[email protected]
    13 days ago

    They don’t “say” the earth is rotating, we know it is, because people have literally watched it happen in front of their eyes while in orbit. But before we ever sent anyone to space, we were already very good at determining the shape of our planet and the dynamics of our solar system just by making observations from the ground. Ever notice that the stars aren’t always in exactly the same spot when you look up? That’s because the earth rotates and orbits around the sun.

    Airplanes do not fly in a straight line, it just looks like they do if you look at their flight path from above. Kind of like how the earth might look flat if you only look at a paper map. It’s not.

    It’s hard to tell if this post was a joke, troll, or a genuine question by a young student who hasn’t taken any science or geometry classes yet, which would be totally fine. But these are concepts that we’ve had a very clear understanding of for a very long time. Pick up nearly any astronomy book and you’ll have your answers.

    • @batman654987OP
      13 days ago

      But you didnt answer my question. Lets put airplanes aside and take a look at baloon jump. Do you understand whats happening there or not. If you do than explain it, if eart is rotating than you wouldnt be able to jump and land on the same spot.