As a disabled person, I face ableism and ableist language every day. Some people use ableist language without even knowing that it is ableist. I thought it would be good for folks to take a look at the attached BBC article and expand their perspectives a bit.

  • @MapleEngineer
    -210 months ago

    They’re trolls from Hexbear. They like to label us as ableist and bigots because it makes them feel superior.

    • quortez
      310 months ago

      Maybe they have alts on hexbear, but these people are from and, so.

      • @MapleEngineer
        -310 months ago

        I’ve got accounts all over the fediverse (in case one instance goes down or some fascist or tankie admin bans me.)

        The give away is the fact that they keep bringing up race. They have been called racists, intolerant, bigots and are butt hurt about it so they’re looking for something to throw back at people to make themselves feel better and to use as a bludgeon to silence the people calling them racists, intolerant, bigots, etc.

        It’s concern trolling. Don’t take them seriously.

    • @[email protected]
      -210 months ago

      “They’re from an instance I don’t like!!!1!”

      … Shows screenshot proving they’re not

      • @MapleEngineer
        110 months ago

        It was actually two separate points. First, a troll brigade (unrelated to the screen shot.) Second, projection, using the ableism argument to try to make yourselves seem morally superior (illustrated by the protection in the screenshot.)

        I’m sorry I confused you. I’ll try to keep each comment to a single, simple idea from now on.

        • @[email protected]
          -210 months ago

          You literally said “they” were from hexbear and then “they” in the next sentence. Use proper English if you don’t want to imply what you implied

          • @MapleEngineer
            010 months ago

            “They”, as in the three or four members of the brigade. Or, the gender neutral “they”, whatever.

            I was actually referring to multiple people. Not everything is about you.