• @[email protected]
    138 months ago

    Does anyone know how they safely jail an ex president? Since he carries with him confidential information that we all know he will tell anybody who will listen what do they do? I’m all for seeing him in solidarity confinement but it does seem unlikely they would actually lock him away.

    • Nine
      48 months ago

      I’m sure it’s going to be something like house arrest. I doubt they will be allowed to go further than that. Mostly because they’re going to have a bunch of law suits launched trying to find some judge that will grant a stay somewhere even if it’s not proper for them to do so. In the end it will fail but it will just motivate his base even more.

      Prison I’m guessing would be a minimum security facility. Most likely with marshals protection.

      But I’m not even close to an expert so I could be completely wrong!