Any critiques, desire for clarity, outright hatred, whatever have you. I will respond the best I can.

I know there’s been some blowback on some of the policy updates but it’s been difficult to really explain fully that the restrictive content policy is temporary, this community was very unmanaged for a time and it had to be reigned in somehow and with the limited tools at disposal the temporary policy changes were made.

Here’s a comment that also explains a little bit behind the decisions made recently as well.

For community mods, we have a community mod coord matrix group chat now. Feel free to DM about it.

Also, there’s another ongoing discussion regarding SFW communities on lemmyNSFW here.

  • @hwagoolio
    1 year ago

    I haven’t been mass reporting. I browse local and report anything that I see is loli/noncon. It’s not just your communities.

    EDIT: Receipts from the past 30 minutes of browsing; how many of these are by you, @paddedperson?

    • Padded Person
      1 year ago

      “Reason: Noncon Report - Hayaska Ai would not agree/consent to this”

      Which you followed up with :

      “…Rape is any form of nonconsensual sexual activity. Is there any indication at all from any source material that this character would consensually get pierced and used as a sex slave? By default, it’s nonconsensual.”

      there doesnt have to be cannon/ in source explanations for hentai for it to be consensual. and none of the admins/mods have said there needs to be.

      • @Sam_Pond
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • Padded Person
          1 year ago

          yaeh i really should at some point… although i assume id still get their reports ( which is probably for the best)

          Glad to hear it! we could always use more posters :3

      • @Kinkybiscuit
        11 year ago

        I would agree with @sam_pond . If this person is trying to derive theroerical consent scenarios from a personality profile they have constructed by watching the anime or reading a manga, I don’t think you need to devote more time to this.

        The questions on age, of course, are still valid.

      • @hwagoolio
        1 year ago

        I know you’ve accused me of “mass reporting”, but it’s because you post a shit ton of questionable content. Like I just submitted a report on this post.

        How on earth does this look like consent to anyone? The girl is literally getting shot up with drugs by the mafia.

        • Padded Person
          31 year ago

          I think the reason I thought you were mass reporting is becouse you reported every character in a school girl outfit you see. So I spend the time researching and verifying their age, then come back to another report that I have to dig through and verify and most the time they have been legal, or ocs without a defined age ik which they are clearly drawn above age.

          Tldr I hit a bunch of false positives so I got a not great impression. I still responded to each of your reports, you just weren’t happy with alot of them.

          • @hwagoolio
            1 year ago

            I don’t think you’re being totally transparent/honest here. 9/10 reports that I made on your content, you ultimately agreed it’s legitimate and you removed the image. We can keep score if you really want.

            The school girl outfit image I still think is questionable. For this post, if you click on the source manga, some of the school girls are totally flat (washboard chests in a school manga). Even though the artist claims that they’re seniors, it’s hardly kosher when a bunch of girls in the image actually look like lolis.

            Also a senior in high school doesn’t mean that everyone is 18+. During senior year, some people might be 18, and others might be 17.

            • Padded Person
              1 year ago

              They are blocked at this point, and im not going to go into it in detail but no its not 9/10 i mean youve in this chain complained about more than 1 post i havent deleted for you. I have 800+ posts so yes i have had to delete a handfull. and im not upset with your reporting overall im upset with you continuosly arguing when i disagree with you, or when the wiki’s disagrees with you, or when you make an argument like “canonically she wouldnt do this” or "it must be rape becouse there is drugs in the picture.

        • Padded Person
          1 year ago

          becouse my wife literally did almost exactly that last night at a club. fully consensually. becouse she likes group scenes with people. admitedly she didnt do hard drugs but she drank. and theres no sign in that that the person is not enjoying it, or did not want it. theres no signs of struggle, no where she was even struck (consensually or not)

          • @hwagoolio
            -41 year ago

            So what’s your criteria for identifying an image as rape?

            Because with the way that you seem to approach this, everything is consensual.

            • Padded Person
              1 year ago

              everything that doesnt show signs of struggle, and where the person looks like they are actively enjoying it. and where there are no signs in the others in the room stating that the person is not willing.

              essentially : if there is no evidence they dont enjoy it, and they seem to be enjoying it, maybe they are enjoying it ?/ if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck says its a duck and looks like a duck its a bloody duck

              • @hwagoolio
                1 year ago

                For the other image of yours I reported for noncon (I believe I only ever made two noncon reports???), the girl doesn’t look like she’s enjoying it and she has whip marks all over her body.

                From my perspective, there’s not a single item in the picture that suggests that it might be consensual.

                EDIT: Actually, I guess it was three reports. I reported this one, which depicts am unconscious woman who gets fucked by the entire tavern after falling asleep drunk – which is rape in my books.

        • @Drivedup
          21 year ago

          Are we actually treating cartoon images as rape now?

          Shall we also censor scenes from the coyote and road runner as highly graphic scenes of violence and death injury?

          • @hwagoolio
            1 year ago

            According to the instance content policy on the sidebar:

            This restriction apply to real or fictional depictions of the following subjects expressed in any medium including live action, photography, cartoons, comics, illustration, 3dcg, text, audio, etc. :

            So yes, in drawings, text, audio, or any medium.

            • @Drivedup
              31 year ago

              Either you’re reading that rule way more stricter than was intended (and reading your comments with a ton of personal bias and prejudice) ; or if you’re reading it correct then this is bonkers, and clearly this won’t be an appropriate instance for nsfw.

              I don’t even understand why we went here. I can get being 3times more careful with actual humans and images of actual sexual content. But cartoons/anime/tentacles hentai? FFS…

                • @Drivedup
                  51 year ago

                  Yeah…this is bonkers. Both art treated as IRL and the assumption that either the admins or anyone else can figure out noncon. (Not even going to go on on 'underage/lolita anime concept based on some canonical age)

                  Either there is something in the material that is clearly ilegal or not. Trying to figure out intent/consent out of an image is absurd.

                  Wonder how long this experiment will last.

      • @hwagoolio
        1 year ago

        I’m really only following the rules as they are written.

        On the sidebar, it says that CNC is only allowed if there is something in the image that clearly indicates that it’s consensual.

        For this piece of artwork, there is not that.

        Moreover, the character in the picture canonically would probably never agree to getting her clitoris pierced and used as a sex slave. The subject matter is extreme enough to doubt that the scene is consensual.

        EDIT: If this isn’t noncon, then it’s impossible to have any objective criteria to identify noncon artwork that distinguishes it from CNC. Rapehentai is filled with artwork just like this.

        • @throwawayforratings
          11 year ago

          Not familiar with that character, but I see nothing in that picture to suggest that it’s not consensual.

          • @hwagoolio
            -21 year ago

            What parts of the image suggest that it’s consensual?

            Here’s what I see:

            • She’s a high school student (canonically)
            • There’s tears in her eyes and she’s been crying
            • She’s been whipped all over her body
            • Her clitoris and nipples are pierced and tied
            • She’s been cummed on by a man in a high skyscraper penthouse, with hard liquor on the table, suggesting that it’s an extremely wealthy older man who did this to her.
            • @throwawayforratings
              41 year ago

              Regarding the first point, as I said, I don’t know the character, so I can’t comment on that. If she’s underage, then yes, that’s absolutely against the rules.

              Regarding the second point, the tears don’t look like she’s been crying. They just look like they’re from physical strain. There’s nothing in her expression that suggests any sort of displeasure.

              Regarding the rest of the points, all of that can easily be consensual. Not even CNC, but just flat-out explicitly consensual. It’s absurd to think that a penthouse somehow implies non-consent.

              BDSM isn’t non-con. Bruises and tears can happen between consenting adults. If she’s not an adult, then that’s a problem, but I see nothing suggesting a lack of consent.

              • @hwagoolio
                1 year ago

                She’s an 18-year-old high school student in a wholesome/lighthearted/romcom high school anime.

                I agree with your latter points with ordinary adults who are strangers. However, we know a lot about Hayasaka’s character and personality from the anime. If it’s a stranger getting whipped and clitoris piercings, I wouldn’t say anything. But if it’s a family member or a friend, you already know a lot about them, and that context makes a crucial difference.

                If this was a picture of your mom, would you first thought be that this is consensual or she was kidnapped/abused/raped? With a stranger, you have no clue. But if you know the person, that changes a lot.

                • @throwawayforratings
                  51 year ago

                  But if it’s a family member or a friend

                  But it’s not. It’s a fictional character.

                  If this was a picture of your mom, would you first thought be that this is consensual or she was kidnapped/abused/raped?

                  Honestly, whatever kinky rough stuff my mom might be into is her own business. That’s not really something I need to worry about.

                  • @hwagoolio
                    -11 year ago

                    Honestly, I’m just baffled. With the way everyone has responded here, basically none of the artwork typically posted at rapehentai (which was banned here) would qualify as rape.

                    There’s always the excuse that “oh the victim consented to being shoved into the trashcan beforehand”.

                    The artist of this work (sabu) posts lots of artwork that are set inside a fictional universe where slavery is legal. The “slaves” in this artist’s works are intended to be portrayed as real slaves.

            • @Kinkybiscuit
              1 year ago

              You make some good points above, but I would recommend making an account on FetLife and seeing how wild people can get consensually.

              I can without a doubt tell you that the following has been consensually performed with partners, and in all cases because they desired it, not myself.
              -Impact play - to the point of causing visible bruising.
              -Rope play - this can range from the artistic to the painful. Type of rope, and acts performed while tied can vary greatly including chains between nipples and clit.
              -Needle play - ok, this one I couldn’t do, but the partner did this one to themselves. Piercing nipples and clit with surgical grade needles.
              -Whipping - the thing with whips is they can actually look a lot worse than they feel, but you can go the other way as well and cause pain.

              Tears will absolutely happen in many of these cases, and it is something they want. Consent is a tricky thing to derive from a photo, but I would not say any of the items listed above imply consent or not.

              All that said, your point that the character is highschool student I would say is valid, provided she is underage.

              The wealthy/older man comment I’m not understanding…

    • Padded Person
      01 year ago

      Three, one of which I’ve said before and I’ll say again isn’t rape just becouse there are drugs in the picture.

      The other two are in a language I can’t read, and tried translating with the tools I had access to and couldn’t find the character so I thought it was oc. Both immediately got removed when you sent me the source.

      Again 3 just aren’t me and are on subs I don’t moderate? What do you want me to do

      • @hwagoolio
        1 year ago

        I was trying to demonstrate to you (and everyone downvoting) that’s I’m not specifically targeting you. It’s not personal. I report everything on local that I think is in violation of the rules.

        Also, I still strongly disagree with your call on that image. If this was an IRL image, I’m 90% confident that if this ended up court, US law is that a person cannot provide consent if they’re under the influence of drugs. Also the girl in that picture is frothing at the mouth (she OD’d) – it’s horrible for her health and the men in the picture obviously don’t care that she overdosed.

        • Padded Person
          11 year ago

          she did not od, and shes not frothing at the mouth. she is drooling in pleasure and has cum coming out of her mouth.

          You cant consent when drunk or under the influence, but that doesnt mean you cant consent before hand. if you go to a sex club knowing there will be drugs there, consenting to a sex club, then you do drugs you cant then claim rape on everyone there (again assuming you consent to the individuals prior to the drugs)

          just becouse you bring it up again at the end : she didnt fucking od. thats not even what od foam would look like it would be a large quantity of very small bubbles sticking to the lips of her mouth, or dripping down in one area not spread out all over the place. like seriously if its od foam please explain to me how it gets all over the bloody place. and why it has the exact same color and styling as all the cum in the scene. and again why no one is reacting like she is oding…

          im blocking you at this point. your reports will still show up, and ill still respond to them but im not sitting here debating weather or not a character would do something canonically, or debating this post for the ninth time.

          • @hwagoolio
            01 year ago

            There’s literally bubbles coming out from her mouth…

            Since when does sperm/cum look like bubbles?