
I’m a 49M cishet Master, been in the community about 24 years in Texas. I’m always looking for new things I can learn. I teach communication and fire play among other things. I also volunteer with a program to mentor Doms.

  • @firebrandOP
    21 year ago

    There are a ton of good books out there, but mainly I would say just practice. Be gentle with yourself. Communicate a lot. You’re going to make mistakes and that’s ok. Make sure your sub is on the same page.

    The New Topping Book is a good place to start. If you get more into the mental aspects I like pretty much everything from Raven Kaldera. Robert Rubel (Dr Bob) has some good stuff but he can be a little dry. I have met Raven on several occasions, he tours the country teaching kink. Dr Bob I’m proud to call a friend. I would also recommend reading the stickies in the Submissive Women forum on Fetlife, there’s a lot of good insight into the minds of submissves there.