• @[email protected]
    528 months ago

    I get that it’s past the Skywalker saga and they’re literally wanting “A New Beginning”, but that is the most flaccid, uninspiring title I’ve ever seen. Even “Attack of the Clones” seems a step above this.

    • I Cast Fist
      58 months ago

      Drat, quick let’s think of something better… How about… uh… I got it! A New Hope! You know, because it’s a new hope for Disney and the fans to see a decent- oh, already taken? Damn!

  • smoothbrain coldtakes
    528 months ago

    Do they have Ridley on contract still? I am legitimately surprised she’s still interested in anchoring the franchise in some way. I could not imagine enduring the last decade’s worth of fan toxicity and coming back for more.

  • @[email protected]
    418 months ago

    Interesting director choice. Though, I kind of wish they would pretend Ep 7-9 never happened. Rey could have been a much better character and the sequels could have been better than a rehash of Ep 4-6.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      don’t worry, 10 years from now people will be treating the sequel trilogy the way the prequel trilogy is now.

      Disney always wins their molten torch forever burns.

      EDIT :

      To those disagreeing :

      You’re probably forgetting how badly the original prequel trilogy was percieved. here’s a reminder :




      see you in 4 and a half hours!

      EDIT2 : I’m not saying anything regarding the quality of any of the trilogies (1-3 , 4-6 , 7-9) , people hated and adored them all for different reasons, but the inevitability of nostalgia or disney shills are inevitable.

      EDIT 3 : My dad , in the 90s, seeing the 50s, 60s and 70s nostalgia themed stuff was talking about how there was no 80s nostalgia because the 80s sucked. You guys are probably aware of the avalanche of 80s nostalgia stuff from the past two decades, and 90s are coming back at the moment, albeit slowly.

      Nostalgia is inevitable. With all the damn kids going to disneyworld’s star wars section and the bb8 advertising on everything including oranges when the film came out, you can bet your ass that when those kids grow up, they’re going to be nostalgic about star wars 7-9.

      And you know what? I’m willing to bet 20 years after Star wars 10-12 comes out, not only are the kids that see it when it comes out will be nostalgic for it, I’m willing to bet they’re going to hate on episodes 15-18.

      • @[email protected]
        378 months ago

        I’ve been wondering about this for a while. Silly as the prequels were, they were still the result of one person’s vision and tried to tell a story. The new ones are neither, theyre corperate and disconnected from each other. So will they be met with the same nostalgia and re-examination that the prequels got? I really don’t know

        • @[email protected]
          198 months ago

          Prequel nostalgia exists because kids at the time liked them, and are now able to push back against existing criticism from older fans. There won’t be sequel nostalgia, because kids today simply don’t give a shit about Star Wars, so they’re not going grow up and decide to push back against sequel criticism.

          • Durrandon
            168 months ago

            @TallonMetroid @Lyre The prequels were largely saved by the the Clone Wars animated series as well. I don’t see how that happens for the sequel trilogy.

            • @[email protected]
              58 months ago

              Thats interesting, I was always under the impression that the animated series came out as a response to changing opinions about the prequels, not the other way around. But the more I think about it maybe the timeline doesn’t work out so you’re probably right

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            True, i think superheroes probably fill that niche in cultural zeitgeist for kids growing up nowadays. So i wonder if we’ll see a similar phenomenon happen with something like Batman vs Superman or some other superhero property that was critically panned

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          I totally agree with you, the magic of star wars is largely a product of Lucas’s mind. Sometimes newer installments capture flickers of that magic, but it’s pretty sporadic these days, definitely not enough to build a foundation of nostalgia. Plus, there’s little to no philosophical message in the sequels, so their value rests entirely on the action and dialogue, which was kind of lackluster compared to the execution of the previous movies.

          • @[email protected]
            78 months ago

            A large part of the magic of Star Wars, for me at least, didn’t really have much to do with Lucas. It was the EU books and comics, how they expanded the world and made the characters much more than simple archetypes.

            The biggest thing about them, though, is they built off what was already in existence. They didn’t try and replace or re-imagine it, they just let what was be and made it more.

            It didn’t always work (and quite often didn’t), but the beauty was that there wasn’t any really one thing you had to stick with to enjoy it. If you didn’t like one series or game or whatever? Don’t indulge in it.

            The problem with the new movies, and even for a lot of the shows, is that they present it as “This is your Star Wars now.” It’s not a whole wide world, it’s just a focused idea of what a few people want to make… and a few people want desperately to sell to an audience.

            • @[email protected]
              58 months ago

              That was something that really baffled me about the disney acquisition. They spent 4 billion on the property but never thought to have someone explain to them what actually made it profitable. It was the universe that people latched onto, thats what sold the merchandise and the novels and spin offs. Yet the new films seemed almost spitefully bent on ignoring all that

        • I Cast Fist
          38 months ago

          Another thing the sequels didn’t have: accompanying games. The gaps between movies weren’t filled exclusively by live action and animated series

          Sure, only Revenge of the Sith actually had an actual “the movie the game”, but the 90s and early 2000s saw a number of amazing Star Wars games (and some less than stellar), most only partially related to movies, others with completely news stories, which definitely helped keep people interested in the universe, even if they didn’t like the movies. KOTOR, Republic Commando, Battlefront, X-Wing series, Dark Forces series.

          Meanwhile, during the Disney years, we had Battlelootbox 1 and 2, Squadrons, Jedi Fallen Order+Survivor and… that’s about it (also some Lego Star Wars stuff). The mobile stuff might as well be SW skins of whatever is the current mobile trend.

      • @[email protected]
        118 months ago

        No. The last movie ruined the entire trilogy. And I liked TLJ, but there was no overarching story to the trilogy and the whole thing was completely pointless, but mainly the last movie was so so fucking awful.

        There is no fucking way anyone is going to appreciate them in 10 years. Sometimes movies just suck.

          • @[email protected]
            38 months ago

            George Lucas can’t write dialogue to save his life. By the time of the prequels he was put up on a pedestal and nobody would stand up to him like they did during the original films.

            • @[email protected]
              68 months ago

              Ok I get that, but i might argue that at least the prequel writing has heart, and a purpose for the story. Do you genuinely believe the disney executive level writing in the sequels is better?

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                It’s less painful to watch. Meesa think you haven’t seen them back to back. As vapid as the sequels are I can turn my brain off and sit through them. The prequels bludgeon you in the face while watching them the entire time.

                • @[email protected]
                  38 months ago

                  Meh, personally I’d still take the movie written by a human over the corperate ai, but i can see where you’re coming from. I dont exactly think theres a right answer when it comes to this particular debate

      • sp3ctr4l
        18 months ago

        Does this imply that in Star Wars X, we will have a fight or convo with a contact in an arcade?

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Must’ve been expensive to get the director of I Am Somebody and Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge.

  • @[email protected]
    358 months ago

    I think they should move onto different titles than X/XI/XII if the Skywalker Saga is over. And A New Beginning is worse than The Phantom Menace being called The Beginning in its early stages. I hope they change the title.

  • @[email protected]
    358 months ago

    Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw in my life. I really want to be excited about this. Really badly. But I’m just not. The title is awful, the last movie is awful. I’m not going to stop loving the Star Wars that exists, and every once in a while they have a happy surprise like Andor, but my excitement for new stuff is dead.

    The people making Star Wars movies today don’t understand the things that make it unique from everything else, so they make it garbage.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        Call me a heretic, but I think last Jedi was the best of the 3 if you separate it from the star wars universe. TFA was just a meh rehash of the original, and ROS was a dumpster fire.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Yeah, TFA is bland corporate cookie cutter crap, but it’s at least not deliberately hostile to people who actually liked Star Wars going in. But on the other hand, the fact that it was greenlit as a mainline Star Wars movie was rather indicative that either Disney didn’t actually care to properly vet what they were putting out, or that I was very definitely not part of the target audience they wanted. So I haven’t watched or read anything else since.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          We can be heretics together. But you’re wrong. It was the best of the three because it commented on the universe.

          I wanted to love TFA. So much promise wasted by repetition. They had an es-storm trooper! A super emotionally damaged Vader worshipping anger Jedi. The wiggly light saber. I should have loved it. The characters were so cool. But they didn’t do anything new. Felt very design by committee.

          In TLJ the characters did new things. It didn’t all feel right to me. But it was new. I loved Luke’s story. War stories should leave their heros damaged. I loved the worthless dirtfarmer parents. Everyone can’t have special parents. Even Poe’s stupid story with pink hair general was a commentary on how ruthless rebels have to be. People die. You can’t waste resources. There was a lot wrong about TLJ but it tried.

          And ROS had one good line. That’s it.

          The actors deserved so much better. They worked hard. They loved star wars. They wanted to make something good.

  • partial_accumen
    8 months ago

    The Jedi Order has failed twice now. Each time those failures produced a person so powerful that it enslaved the galaxy. Maybe don’t do that again.

    • @[email protected]
      168 months ago

      Seriously, maybe start a movement that teaches the Force belongs to all, whether as powerful as a Jedi or as simple and every-day as just using it to grab stuff.

      • smoothbrain coldtakes
        98 months ago

        That was kind of a plot they had used in one of the Jedi Academy games that was effectively the explanation as to why you could use dark side and light side powers. Basically Luke thought that shielding from either side would obviously make the taboo subject way more enticing, so his whole concept was balance in all things, including knowledge of dark and light.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          His one mistake was that he didn’t realize that a weird clone of a guy that died years ago was going to manipulate the son of his sister and best friend into thinking Luke was going to kill him. What a fool!

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            In the extended universe, a weird clone of the same guy who died years ago appeared and manipulated Luke into falling for the dark side and being his right hand man for a bit, so really, which is worse?

    • @[email protected]
      78 months ago

      Blind faith in organizations claiming to protect our long held traditions makes us vulnerable to fascism?

      I don’t like to jump to conclusions. I’m going to give it a few more films to see if the pattern holds. Lol.

  • @pantyhosewimp
    198 months ago

    You know how in adventure video games the side quests are always more interesting and poignant than the main world-ender quest? I think Star Wars is gonna be like that now. Some weird episode in some cartoon series written by some guest scifi writer is gonna contain the best story.

  • I Cast Fist
    178 months ago

    Title crawl:


    After Palpatine returning, somehow, and being defeated, the NEW NEW REPUBLIC is established. But not much has changed, because not enough time has passed.

    Anyway, REY, along with a redeemed BEN SOLO, have become the sole JEDI MASTERS of the entire galaxy and decided that the time was ripe to begin training a new generation of JEDI

    Among the first pupils, the young TALTAPINE shows great promise, but dark clouds loom over the JEDI once more…

    • Skeezix
      8 months ago

      Rumor has it the new movie will feature a large moon-sized planet-destroying space station. There will also be a desert planet with a young naive yet promising force user. Someone will wield a lightsaber with a design we haven’t seen before. Space bombers will have to fly “over” an enemy ship in space in order to “drop” bombs on it. One of the new creatures will have eyes that look like anuses, or a mouth that looks like a pussy. The main antagonist will be annoying and act like a man-child. There will be doubt that someone can “train up” in time to fight a bad guy. Someone will survive the vacuum of space. A new force trick will be shown. Someone’s face will be replaced by AI. A previously unseen type of droid sidekick will be unveiled. A possession belonging to someone from the original trilogy will be mentioned and displayed with reverence. Something that has never needed explaining will be explained. Something that has long needed an explanation will be glossed over in a confusing way. An interesting new character will have nearly all of their scenes cut. The emperor will return.

    • @[email protected]
      108 months ago

      I’m not sure optimistic is the right word exactly… maybe hopeful. Sadly I don’t really think it’s gonna be great but I hope it is. 100% agree about Ridley. I know Boyega burned some bridges but I would otherwise put him in the same category.

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        I’d say more that disney burned the bridges and Boyega brought them to light. The entire cast was done dirty by those movies and he was the only one with the backbone to say something.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          That’s true. I respect his integrity, even if the industry doesn’t. It must be the most depressing thing to be a huge fan of something and then be part of it in the most disappointing way.

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Going for episode 10 rather than the prequel approach of spamming the market with adjacent media feels like they haven’t learned from their mistake

  • @[email protected]
    108 months ago

    Woof. Different production team than nine? That was the trashiest trash I have seen in a very long time.

  • @[email protected]
    108 months ago

    Really looking forward to see Star Wars move forward again. Getting bored with the story going nowhere lately. They got a prequel to the prequels on TV now FFS. Gee… I hope Yoda doesn’t die LOL.

    If they ignore the vocal internet fans and make a fun action adventure movie it should be good. They torpedoed the ST be listening to the Mary Sue whiners and making her support character in TLJ.

    Rey Skywalker is back and I’m down for it. Rey’s lightsaber looked like it was the same at both ends so it might be a double bladed lightsaber. That would be fun. It’d be cool if Oscar Isaac and John Boyega could come back.

    I’m sure the vocal internet Star Wars fans will hate it. Whatever, they got like 10 seasons of TV shows set in the past.