trump pi is sac racist
Use the p then
trump - A suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand.
pi - A transcendental number, approximately 3.14159, represented by the symbol π, that expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and appears as a constant in many mathematical expressions
is - The third person singular of the substantive verb be, in the indicative mood, present tense
sap - The watery fluid that circulates through a plant, carrying food and other substances to the various tissues
Rapist - One who commits the crime of rape (e.g. Donald Trump)
Edit - even with the c
Sac - A pouch or pouchlike structure in an organism, sometimes filled with fluid.
A person who believes a particular race is superior to others (e.g. Donald Trump)
For a person to be in the position depicted the word would have had to be “sa” which I don’t believe is a word. But you can play words that aren’t words in Scrabble as long as no one challenges you. But it’s also an incredibly bad choice of a word, setting up an opponent for a triple like that.
Cartoonist is playing scrabble with a child confirmed.
cartoonist is playing scrabble against trump confirmed
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That is generally not how sentences work even if one word is on top of the next.
scrabble board
expects me to play by the rules of not scrabble
I don’t know what version of Scrabble you play, but I’ve never seen a directive for how to read out sentences that happen to show up on a Scrabble board. Feel free to point them out to me.
i’m not making a sentence i listed all the words on the board dawg :( thanks for taking all the fun out of commenting
It seems squid just misinterpreted the intent of the first comment. I doubt they were just trying to shit on your joke.
It happens sometimes.
You’re talking to a Ten Forward mod. They’re all like that.
lol they’re just reading the individual words the way scrabble would read them
pi and sac are scoring words
squid had a bad day maybe?
I don’t know, looks like I pissed a bunch of people off and probably gained another few people who hate me when I didn’t think what I said was anything but just playing along, so it sounds like a pretty typical day.
ok well, so you know, you came off as pretty sassy and oddly defensive
i relate to having my attitude misunderstood though
It’s a good day when only one or two people tell me what a horrible, worthless person I am (I guess three if you include myself), so I guess this is one of the occasional good ones.
Edit: Come to think of it, there are no good ones and if I didn’t have real world responsibilities, I don’t know that I would want to keep existing.
You have fallen to one of the classic blunders. The most well known of which is never discuss a land war in Asia on But only slightly less well known is to never assume some random geeky thing is not a passionate fandom.
You’ve upset the Scrabblers by slightly misrepresenting the rules of Scrabble in order to make a pithy joke. For this, they will never forgive you.
My dude, you haven’t pissed anyone off here that I can see, you’ve just gotten overly defensive and are seeing slights where there aren’t any. People are disagreeing with you and some may be critical of your responses but that doesn’t mean anything is heated. Maybe take a short break from Lemmy and get a glass of water or something? I mean that with 100% sincerity. If you’re interpreting these comments as hateful you’re probably in a bad headspace and I’m doubtful the internet is going to help.
You mean other than the guy telling me that they agree with my assessment of being below contempt?
And sentences are not how Scrabble works. This meme sucks.
If you accept that ‘rapist’ and ‘racist’ both apply to Trump, I’d say it’s a pretty good meme.
It’s not bad in theme, it’s bad in the way most of the Spiderman glasses memes are bad because they put the no-glasses Spider-Man on top when it should be glasses spiderman on top.
Tighten from Megamind as well where he’s like “There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy, there is no X” since X in the original scene is “there is no Queen of England” showing him as dumb for thinking a real thing is mythical, but most people use it for a thing they say doesn’t exist too
Some of these are not words, this guy sucks at scrabble.
Which ones?
“_M” is the only one that’s bad as far as I can tell.
“AS” bottom-up is probably fine? I don’t know the rules. The words it could turn into by adding “racist” or “rapist” would be valid words, “sac” and “sap”.
_M has a tile above it, meaning this can be anything. There are plenty of words that end in _m.
Scam, scum, slum, plum, trim, tram,
The only bad one is SA
But it’s not SA it’s SAC or SAP.
Not currently. The implication is that the person is in the middle of their turn, and needs to choose between the two letters, but that means that SA was already played in a previous turn, and while I’m unsure if SA is a proper two letter word in any language, I am sure SA isn’t a proper two letter word in English because my family had the list of two and three letter words in the official Scrabble dictionary, and SA isn’t on the list. Sh, si, so, and st, are.
The person taking their turn placed SA and is deciding between the last two tiles for their final placement. /joke
That doesn’t work with the rules of Scrabble. They have to be placing the Racist/rapist word. Those tiles don’t connect to the rest of the tiles.
Isn’t AS a word, and so is PI…or can’t words go up instead of down? I don’t play Scrabble and have only typical knowledge of it.
Even without the extra tile, EM is a word. It’s the spelling of the letter M.
Edit: also the much more obvious AM.
Oh, I get it. Didn’t know Scrabble actually had a blank piece to be used like that. It’s been a very long time for me, and very few games overall.
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are you kidding? SA is what he bragged about on that bus.
The shorthand to avoid writing sexual assault isn’t an actual word.
What about Sturmabteilung then?
you’re taking a joke about a dumb game’s stupid rules a bit too seriously
I was going to say that Trump, being a proper name, isn’t a word, but my brain rebooted and I remembered that Trump is absolutely a word.
That’s my favorite challenge bait tactic. If you challenge an opponent’s word and you’re wrong, you lose your turn, so if you want to be an asshole, play a word that exists as an obscure but valid word, but is much more well known as a proper name. Mike (alternate spelling of mic), Jenny (female donkey), Japan (a type of varnish), etc. They challenge, it’s in the dictionary, you get to give the opponent a smug grin, and they probably won’t want to play Scrabble with you anymore but you just got a major advantage.
If they get used to your tricks, just bullshit them with names that they “know better than to challenge now”. It’s entirely legal to intentionally play fake words, they’re just vulnerable to being challenged.
Of course if you’re playing against someone who’s actually competitive at Scrabble they’ve probably dedicated time to studying challenge bait and would see right through you, it’s a legit part of the game at a high level so they’d be prepared.
Let’s pretend the game started with rapist/racist and this is showing how it could progress either way and work?? Maybe? Idk I also suck at scrabble
Ps the cp being cp and not pc is a Choice imo
(I sometimes reply to my own comments because lemmy is inconsistent on showing edits)
Ok I suck at scrabble, which ones?
Sa is not a word. Every other word played is valid.
sap, sac
Yes, however neither of those words are complete on the board yet. That’s fine if one of them were in the process of being played, but they’re not. Rapist/racist is in the middle of being played, meaning that the previous turn ended with just “sa” on the board, which is not a valid word.
But that is the joke. That the decision could be either. This meme is mid move.
I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I’m saying it is impossible for the board to ever look like this during a real game of Scrabble, even if someone is in the middle of their turn.
Oh I get it. But it’s not meant to be literal since it’s art.
Sa is just the brah version of sup which is the bro version of whats up. Boom. Scrabbled.
Those are both words.
Tree sap.
Sac - A pouch or pouchlike structure in an organism, sometimes filled with fluid.
The tree had multiple sacs of sap^*
^* I don’t actually know if trees have sacs of sap, so don’t come at me botanists.
As is.
Unless you can’t play words bottom-up.
Assuming rapist/racist is the current turn, then the player who placed sa on the previous turn played an invalid word. It’s possible if the other players didn’t challenge. Sap and sac are both valid words.
You are only allowed to play one direction per turn in Scrabble. It must read left-right or top-down.
you forgot about “ra” and “ist”, but the point is that those three are about to be completed, so all words are correct
“ra” and “ist” are part of the word in process, just being done out of order for creative flair, as you noted. “Sa” on the other hand, is its own thing and isn’t a word. Doesn’t mean it couldn’t be there though as it would have to be challenged to be removed.
That said if I had a 6 letter word with that bonus I wouldn’t challenge homey on like 2 points. I’m dumb, but I’m not stupid.
While not a valid Scrabble word, it does have a meaning:
I doubt it was intentional, but it feels kinda fitting.
Acronyms that are capitalized are not allowed in Scrabble. So scuba and laser are allowed, but NASA is not.
“sa” is also still in process
You can’t play letters/words in two different directions in one turn.
newsflash: this isn’t an actual game of Scrabble, it’s a cartoon
You can’t progress 2 words at the same time.
newsflash: this isn’t an actual game of Scrabble, it’s a cartoon
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“Ra” or “Re” is the ancient egyptian god of the sun “ist” means “is” in german “sa” can mean lots of things in lots of languages
“Sa”, as previously noted, is not an accepted Scrabble word. Abbreviations are not acceptable in Scrabble. Foreign words aren’t accepted in Scrabble so “Ist” and, “Sa” would be out there as well as it appears we’re playing English Scrabble. “Ra” is also not accepted in Scrabble as proper names (like, “Thor” for another example.) are not accepted.
More importantly, words need to connect to an existing word so, “ra”, and, “ist” by themselves wouldn’t be accepted on those grounds, hence the determination that the person played them on their turn and is actively tying to figure out which letter they should use for the middle bit to finish the single word on a single line they can play on their turn.
And yes, we are overthinking a political comic ITT.
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One who craps his diapers.
Ah, you can make UP on the left there
Porque no los dos? 🤷♀️
no tienen las letras del scrabble y este juego esta en ingles
Don the Con(vict/man). Ah shit I suck at scrabble…
Has to be p because sap is a word and sac isn’t
They’re both words but it’s irrelevant because “sa” is not a word, so this could never happen in a real game.
If you were a player with known good two-letter word knowledge, playing someone without, you might try it as a bluff knowing you may go unchallenged
True, but you could never get away with it on Words with Friends.
“Sa” is an Egyptian hieroglyph meaning “protection”, an Arabic measure of volume, a type of Mandaean sacramental bread that is rolled up, and a character in the Javanese script.
You could argue that it’s a descriptive of the Javanese character. But someone would come back with that being a proper noun for the character, and that would force a table vote. Which descriptive would win because the other players would see the obvious chance for a double-triple.
This scrabble-scribble has got layers.
Cool! It’s not a valid Scrabble word unfortunately, but I’ll try to remember that next time I’m in Mandaea.
Also, I might not be any fun to play Scrabble with. lol
It’s not a valid Scrabble word unfortunately
Maybe Adam Tots is Mandaean.
Strange how Ra is allowed in scrabble but not Sa
Ra is not allowed in Scrabble, according to multiple online Scrabble dictionaries I just checked.
You are correct. It’s been a long time since my last game.
“as” is a word, though
Standard scrabble ruls require words be valid when read left to right or top to bottom.
Sac is a word.
From the Oxford English Dictionary:
My ball sac it isn’t
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You know bread has sacs in it, like polysaccarides.
Tough choices, tough choices.
“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” —Joe Biden, 1977
This quote is accurate and has been verified. Biden was expressing concerns about busing as a means of desegregation.
Do you think he may have possibly changed his views on such things in the intervening half-century?
Robert Byrd started in the KKK and died a champion of civil rights, endorsed by the NAACP.
This bullshit happened 5 years ago
Did you actually read that article? It says his account was generally corroborated. Even the guy’s son had no problem with the story.
My mistake, I didn’t mean to imply that he made it up.
In 2020, during a radio interview, Biden said “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”
Also in 2020, Biden stated that "unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things
He is correct about both things. Trump hates black people, so you are a traitor to your race if you vote for him, and the black community’s culture is based on American culture while Latino culture is based on the cultures of countries across the Americas and the Caribbean.
So you have no business calling others racist. Thank you for this.
Please point out what I said that was racist.
Those statements are clearly racist and you saying he is correct. Don’t worry, you are one of the good racists bruh, so it’s ok.
You keep using that word. I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Believe it or not, declaring a statement to be racist and not actually explaining what is racist about it doesn’t make it racist. I can declare anything you say as racist. That doesn’t make it so.
You have different kinds of racism, Joe is the old uncle who means well but isn’t all that bright. The thing is, he updates his view unlike your other uncle, Don, who is more concerned with updating their library of racist jokes.
Crazy to think both were adults during segregation.
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I mean the second one is just objectively true, the black community tends to vote as a bloc while latine communities can vary in a variety of ways because they’re basically as diverse as the rest of the US as a whole is. Even from within the same country of origin there can be significant splits in opinion, northern and southern mexicans pretty frequently vote for different parties, because northern mexicans tend to be from longer established communities and families while southern mexicans tend to be much more recent newcomers.
Meanwhile the split in the black community is mostly just some dudes who got sucked into the manosphere and literally everyone else facepalming at their bullshit.
Were your parents even alive yet in '77?
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