• qprimed
      2 months ago

      still an objective good.

      if there is ever the need for, the will to call, the ability to pursue… human rights commission hearings in the future against this grotesque parady of a political party, I want as much evidence of premeditation available as possible.

      • @[email protected]
        82 months ago

        I mean… sure? But this is about as obvious as noting that not being on fire feels better than being on fire.

        • skulblaka
          42 months ago

          Elementary proofs like that are important for an ironclad legal case.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      PThis kind of stuff still needs to be enumerated. There are tons of people on Lemmy (mostly the usual trolls) who will show up in every thread and do the “both sides” song and dance. Unfortunately, a nontrivial number of people actually buy into this messaging. Counter programming is a necessary evil, which is something conservatives and foreign actors have figured out, but liberals and progressives are still stubborn about.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        Don’t forget the no sides song and dance, which seems super common right now and is even worse

  • @[email protected]
    572 months ago

    Well, MAGA is aching to send members of the LGBTQ community to concentration camps so this is a little bit of an understatement.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    I always thought this was a given. Like- who in their right mind would think otherwise?

    Also… Note the absence of the usual suspects here? Wonder why they never have anything to say on posts like this.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      A charitable reading says that you should still research and verify the things that are “a given”. I mean, YOU know it, I know it, we all know it here… But at least now we have an official report to point to when people try to downplay it?

      Ah, who am I kidding? They wouldn’t care anyway

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      I just recently spoke with someone who had 1. Not heard of project 2025 and 2. Tried to convince me that “Donald Trump is the first president to support gay marriage”

      The thing you need to remember is, think of how dumb the average U.S. citizen is. Now realize half of them – over 170 million people – are even dumber than that.

      See the problem?

  • @[email protected]
    492 months ago

    I’m the parent of two LGBTQ+ kids. I’m trying very hard not to be scared out of my mind about a second Trump term.

    • qprimed
      2 months ago

      I am going to have a difficult talk with one of my kids. they already understand whats happening, but avoiding uncalled for dangerous situations… thats what we need to work on. “the talk” is smashing social and economic boundaries like a whirlwind.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    So we’re just not going to talk about all the bullshit thrown at gender affirming healthcare, drag, queer media in general, etc. over the past few years? The federal government has been slightly better in the smallest scale ways possible, but because of state governments and the courts life for LGBTQ people has been worse over the past four years (especially if you’re stuck in a red state), and the Biden administration and Congressional Dems haven’t done nearly enough to try to stop those things.

      • @[email protected]
        102 months ago

        That’s a stupid question with an obvious answer, so I’m just going to pretend you asked a better one.

        Besides having his justice department get more active on defending LGBTQ Americans civil rights under the federal constitution by joining in lawsuits against state laws instead of letting private organizations do all the work, one thing the Biden administration could do is speed up and expand the pardons for LGBTQ veterans who got bullied out of the military.

        • @[email protected]
          112 months ago

          That’s a stupid evasion from an answer. Why can’t you just admit how much worse it would be under Trump and we can all get on with our lives without this silly both sidesism.

          • @[email protected]
            42 months ago

            That’s not what the article here is arguing, they’re arguing that things have been better under Biden and that’s just not true, that’s like arguing reproductive healthcare has been better since 2020 and forgetting the whole Dobbs decision happened.

            Things have been worse not because of but in spite of things the Biden administration have done and tried to do to make it better, but they could and should do more, and the basic argument that things are better is offensive.

            • @[email protected]
              52 months ago

              I’m not sure whether you skipped reading the article, or you thought it was full of paragraphs and paragraphs of lies, or you’re just someone who likes to BoTh sIdES everything whether there’s a clear difference or not.

      • TimeSquirrel
        82 months ago

        So we are basically at:

        “Eat this piece of shit or the insane guy with a gun behind you blows your brains out.”

        • Enkrod
          2 months ago

          If you think Joe is a piece of shit, then yes!

          The violent madman with a gun pointed at your head is about to become president and blow your brains out if people don’t rally behind whoever runs against him.

          Those are your current options, deal with it.

          PLEASE! I beg you! Take every perceivable action to change what options you have in the future. Change the options you can choose from. Go be active in local politics, go do something, anything, to achieve better representation, maybe try to change the way your voting system works.

          But in the meantime, ensure that voting will still be an option in the future and don’t have your (and every vulnerable minorities) brains blown out.

          And know that you are not alone, there are other people trying to expand your options, but they need help and time and they are generally convinced that the struggle for something better than shit will be lost or set back by DECADES if you allow the madman to blow your brains out.

        • @[email protected]
          82 months ago

          I wouldn’t say he’s been a piece of shit for this community (unlike, for example, migrants and asylum seekers), he has done a few good things, it’s just way less than what we need in the face of a Republican party that’s decided that demonizing and terrorizing queer people is something their entire party will support. I hope he gets reelected because the alternative is going to be worse, but the notion that things are on the whole better for queer people than they were four years ago is bullshit you have to be really out of touch to believe.

    • Franklin
      102 months ago

      I think you may be confusing the actions of a Republican Congress with those of Joe Biden’s cabinet. The American political apparatus has many levers, and just because you’re at the top doesn’t mean you control the whole thing.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        No, I’m mentioning there are more things the Biden’s cabinet and the rest of his administration could be doing to push back on state level Republicans (mainly legislatures and AGs), to demonstrate my real point - the last four years have been fucking awful for the LGBTQ community, and seeing Biden supporters here pat themselves on the back for how it’s gone frustrates me (and probably a lot of other people we want to vote for the Democratic party’s candidates in the fall) a lot.

        I think it would be a lot better politics for people who want (like I do) to see Republicans lose elections to forget the victory laps and focus more on (to paraphrase Bill Clinton) feeling the pain of their voters and telling us what you are going to do going forward instead.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      “Might as well let donnie win because Genocide Joe and I’m not in the alphabet group so who cares anyway.”

      • tankies, probably
      • qprimed
        12 months ago

        not a “tankie” here. supporting virtually any Democratic nominee up and down the ballot… and I still want the investigation, impeachment and removal of biden if appropriate. being human demands it and demanding accountability from your government requires it.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Yeah, if W was not investigated for Iraq war crimes, it’s even less likely to happen for Biden.

  • @[email protected]
    182 months ago

    Considering Trump wants to define trans people out of existence and make our care illegal, outlaw gay marriage, and classify any queer person in public as a sex offender and put them in prison, yeah I’d think queer people are better under biden than they would be under trump.