• @[email protected]
    1938 months ago

    Unless she was on Epstein island raping 12-13 year olds like Trump was, I don’t care.

    Trump is a convicted felon and pedo and shouldn’t even be a nominee. America is beyond absurd.

        • kfchan
          158 months ago

          That’s probably the actual kompromat Russia has on Trump: while he was being pissed on by underage hookers he was also laughing.

          • @[email protected]
            68 months ago

            I honestly feel sorry for Trump. I mean don’t get me wrong he deserves all the bad things he gets and more, but he must be fundamentally very unhappy and lonely. I can’t imagine seeing everything, even his “friends” and family, transactionally. He bought his wives (maybe only metaphorically?) and he pays to cheat on them, his business ventures are all frauds and grifts that are waiting to catch up to him.

            There are some wealthy people I feel a little twinge of jealousy for from time to time (especially being 4 months unemployed), but Trump isn’t one. I will always consider Trump to be worse off in life than I am. He’s like Gollum, a spiteful creature who can’t help but destroy himself in pursuit of a treasure that drives all happiness from his life.

      • Coffee Addict
        248 months ago

        It’s crazy to me that this is an actual criticism they came up with.

        Okay, so she laughs… AND??

          • Coffee Addict
            128 months ago

            I am dreading seeing some of the bullshit they’re gonna cook up to attack her.

            It’s gonna be a horrible mix of racist, sexist and God knows what else.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                Yeah but these are all weaksauce and they know it.

                Frankly impressed they haven’t come up with anything real. Honestly, we leftists have done a better job maligning her so far (pro cop, carcéral system, etc), but that’s not going to keep anyone away from the polls that wasn’t going to pass on Biden anyway.

            • @[email protected]
              88 months ago

              “She’s a DEI harlot” is essentially what they seem to have settled on so nothing that doesn’t simply point out their blatant racism and misogyny

              • @[email protected]
                78 months ago

                I dont like Harris, but as a candidate thats going to draw the nastiest comments out, we couldnt do better than her. Just imagine how many minority votes they’re going to lose by openly being racist fucks. Also not only will she appeal to women way more then Hillary ever did, she gets to champion making roe a law

        • @[email protected]
          118 months ago

          I’m so out of the loop on the coconut thing. What’s even implied by that? squints eyes Is that a fucking brown on the outside white on the inside thing??? That’s fucking gross if that’s what it is.

          • Codex
            188 months ago

            This is a stupid link to it but here you go: https://youtu.be/ZiRSLYV1X4A?si=kwAusX_Q-6cZig6d

            I, too, have been atomically dissecting that meme to find the racism, and you know I won’t rule out that when the GOP makes a joke about that actually is what they mean, but it appears to be a thing fans of Harris also meme about.

            She was telling a folksy story of growing up and she recounted how her mother had asked if the kids had just fallen out of a coconut tree. It’s a cute alternative to “were you born yesterday” or something like that.

            I dunno, it has big “what doesn’t everyone say ‘porch monkeys?’” energy.

            • @[email protected]
              168 months ago

              That’s an adorable anecdote. They are attacking her with that?

              Imagine being the guy maintaining all of those ChatGPT/Twitter bots, waiting on instructions and desperately trying to get some kind of attack going.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                It’s adorable and the whole quote is about society as well. Heaven forbid we have a president who understands some philosophy.

            • @[email protected]
              38 months ago

              I was apparently born in a barn, according to my mother. Now that I’m old I can be heard yelling “Close the door!”

          • Flying Squid
            148 months ago

            I looked it up this morning and I still don’t get it. She said something kind of weird about coconuts in a speech once and… that’s it?

            • @[email protected]
              128 months ago

              Honestly of all the offensive things I could think of, I’m surprised it’s something so innocuous.

            • DominusOfMegadeus
              38 months ago

              I just spent 10 minutes reading up on it. It’s SO convoluted that I could not follow what has happened and why. I still do not understand, and I want those 10 minutes back.

          • Coffee Addict
            8 months ago

            This short video explains the coconut reference.

            Basically, it comes from a speech she gave in May 2023 at a White House event about Hispanic excellence. In her speech, she also touched on how the democratic party can better support young leaders by understanding the context they grew up in.

            This led into her personal anecdote from her mother, saying:

            “My mother, she would give us a hard time sometimes, and she would say to us ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?! (Laughs) You in exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.’”

            This basically took off and got mixed up with the whole “pill meme” terminology. Those that wanted Biden to pass the torch to Kamala started saying they were “coconut-pilled” and the rest is history.

      • @[email protected]
        238 months ago

        Because they’re not a newborn baby or a freshly crashed alien life form (A.L.F.) unfamiliar with the goings-on over the last 5 or so years?

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        He walked in on naked teen models in their dressing rooms. He grabs women by the pussy. He visited pedo island multiple times with underage girls on the flights, where he is credibly accused of molesting the girls including slapping them around and playfully arguing with Epstein over who deserved the virginity of the girl they just gang banged - all of this in court documents from long before he was a political figure. He commented on his own daughter’s developing body and said he’d date her. He is guilty of rape. He has been accused of some manner of sexual harassment or assault by a dozen different women - some of it taking place in public. He assaulted his ex wife both sexually and violently.

        Is any of this new information to you? There is a very consistent pattern of behavior here that goes all the way back to the 80’s. He has shown us who he is all along.

  • @[email protected]
    468 months ago

    I hope so.

    Yes - they’ve been attacking her pretty much from day one, but that was just to feed the base - to keep them on a steady diet of hatred.

    It’s different now, and at this point, pretty much the dumbest thing the GOP could possibly do would be to try to attack Harris personally. It would appeal to the base, but they don’t need to appeal to the base, since the base is voting Trump no matter what. They need to appeal to the moderates and independents, and I don’t see any way personal attacks are going to do that. If they try it from a moral or legalistic stance, Harris clearly has the high ground, and will mop the floor with them. And if they try to do it in a personal level, it’s guaranteed that somebody, and likely the wannabe dictator himself, will say something overtly racist and/or sexist, and that will pretty much immediately hand Harris the victory right there.

    • @[email protected]
      178 months ago

      They’re already saying overly racist and sexist things. They said plenty of sexist things about Hillary Clinton too. I hope you’re right about how people will react, but after the last few years I have less faith in that.

  • @[email protected]
    338 months ago

    Just wait until the first debate…

    Trump debating a woman is going to be a disaster, and GOP strategists are already talking about it. All this will turn on its head.

      • @[email protected]
        278 months ago

        Clinton didn’t call trump out on being a weird little freak during debates. Harris will. If he tries to creepily follow her around like he did to Hillary, Kamala will stop, turn around, and be like “wtf are you doing, you gross creep? Quit following me. See, this is what I’m talking about. He’s a predator. He doesn’t know how to conduct himself. He’s too antagonistic and weird to be trusted to keep tensions low and Americans safe. This sex pest belongs in prison, not the oval office. No other world leader behaves in this manner. I don’t know why my secret service detail is even allowing this convicted felon to be this close to America’s Vice President in the first place, especially while he’s practically foaming at the mouth. Why are you so angry? Just retire and go golfing already. Stop forcing Melania to make public appearances to reinforce the illusion that the third time was the charm just so you can take credit for Nazis ruining the country some more… Anyway, back to the question…”

        I firmly believe that “will you shut up, man?” was what won 2020 for Biden. Kamala Harris needs to keep her cool like 98% of the time and then allow her frustrations as a fellow human in this absurd time to leak out past her diplomatic filters 2% of the time. It just needs to be firm and calm, and she needs to not apologize afterward when Fox News tries to pretend that she’s unstable or “hormonal” or whatever misogynistic/racist framing they come up with. I hope she would double down and say “the man’s an asshole. I’m not apologizing for him being an asshole. If you want an apology, go bother him for one.”

      • Buelldozer
        88 months ago

        Hillary was a beltway insider and a policy wonk that came across as whiny when she needed to be seen as confident and firm. Harris will do better against Trump than Hillary ever could.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          It was also when we had no clue how Trump would handle the presidency, and Americans were tired of the same repeated political lip service politicians have been spewing for decades. Hillary was the symbolic epitome of the establishment many Americans were and are sick of. Though now that we know with examples what an unhinged lunatic Trump is, Harris might have a better shot as long as she presents sanity and competence while gracefully waving away Trump’s looney nonsense.

    • @[email protected]
      138 months ago

      Trump will never take a debate against Harris. His personal encounters with prosecutors haven’t gone well these last couple years.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      He’d be:

      • a sexist debating a woman
      • a racist debating a black person
      • a convicted felon debating a prosecutor

      Recipe for ultimate disaster.

  • @[email protected]
    228 months ago

    Republicans are worthless traitor filth and I think they’re going to find out just how widespread that sentiment is.

  • @[email protected]
    148 months ago

    The nice thing about Harris is that the only remarks the Republicans could really make against her is that she’s a black woman; and that automatically outs them as the racists and sexists they are.

    As long as Harris doesn’t fumble, the GOP is fucked.

    • kfchan
      58 months ago

      That second ‘o’ is really emphatic, I felt that one in my bones.

  • @[email protected]
    118 months ago

    I mean , they can say bad stuff but most of those guys fuck kids, you really gonna listen to them unless you’re a kid fucker too?

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    Karma Kameleon is Black and a Woman so I AUTOMATICALLY HATE HER and am Voting for the Guy who Raped Children!

    -I’m a Free Thinking Republican but if this sounds Sexist or Racist its because I haven’t been told what to say yet by Fox News!