• @[email protected]
    111 hour ago

    I absolutely remember people being mad about the first one.

    The others not so much. The fantasy movies don’t really matter the same way as a historical movie about slavery does. The fantasy characters are even gender swapped without a problem at conventions.

    And yes that means the racists who got mad about Ariel are dumb.

  • @[email protected]
    17 minutes ago

    I honestly don’t care at this point. New Ariel sucks not because they switched her to black, but because it just sucks as a whole. The only thing that’s actually kinda pissing me off is…

    …could we stop swapping gingers with blacks? Please? Pretty please? Both are minority, ffs. But one is even kinda rarer than the other. Go on, switch the blondie, but leave the ginger as ginger ;-;

  • @[email protected]
    61 hour ago

    Believe me, white folk do get offended about non-white characters being changed to white, in fact they the most likely ones to be offended, especially when it comes to historic figures. All this meme is doing is framing an inaccurate depiction of white folk to suit a biased narrative. Keep in mind also, a minority few cannot represent an entirety. Just as all black or asian folk are not alike, same holds true for white folk. This an era where a difference in race is not the concern, but rather the upper class rich people that use ethnic label stereotyping to have us fight among each other as distraction. Don’t fall for their trickery of dividing us.

    • soapyplasm
      220 minutes ago

      The more I think about how we label race, the more I realize how arbitrary it all is. IIRC we used to consider Irish people as non-white at one point. That’s fucking bonkers

        • soapyplasm
          19 minutes ago

          True dat. If it were, we’d likely have latin names for different races like “Homo sapiens sapiens caucasus” or some stupid shit, lmao. Nope, humans just have different colors and features naturally, and that’s pretty neat.

  • HubertManne
    350 minutes ago

    if white is being used this generically then romani should be listed as white and arab should be middle eastern and tibetan asian if not lumping both as asian.

    • @[email protected]
      224 minutes ago

      Romani are actually a group of Indians who traveled up to Europe I believe over 1000 years ago, according to recent dna testing. The history of why the group migrated is lost to time. After so many generations a few white people got in there certainly, but originally people thought they were egyptian.

      • HubertManne
        14 minutes ago

        and thats the thing. white is thrown around but its a very imprecisely defined thing.

  • @[email protected]
    414 hours ago

    If it’s bad to use white actors for black (or other colored) roles then it’s bad for black actors to do white roles. If it’s okay to do those switches then it’s okay for all. Forget colors it shouldn’t matter.

    Having said that, Disney just did the Ariel thing ffor the “look at us being sooooo progressive, please give us your money for this utterly shit movie” instead of trying to just make a great movie

    • @[email protected]
      343 hours ago

      I think people need to figure out if the race of a character is culturally significant in any way in the context of the story and IRL. Like, part of Black Panther’s whole deal is he’s from Africa. Hard to budge on that character’s ethnicity. Ariel from the Little Mermaid could literally be any ethnicity and the story would remain the same. Crying about white erasure is pathetic when no actual culture relevant to white western people is being lost.

    • @[email protected]
      92 hours ago

      The virtue signaling just backfires. “Rainbow washing” is a thing now. Companies never gave a fuck about a progressive message, they care about trendy things to cash in on.

    • Maven (famous)
      123 hours ago

      A big issue here, especially with the MCU stuff, is that it’s not a skin color thing with those changes. They updated the whole character in order to make them into races that are more friendly to China. They’ve done this repeatedly and stripped identities and character traits from characters over and over again.

      Every single Romani character that’s appeared in an MCU movie has had their heritage removed and replaced with generic white. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are good examples (since they’re the ones in the meme) but I don’t see any way that Robert Downey Jr is going to be able to do the complicated Romani backstory of Dr Doom very well.

      I agree that Ariel was swapped for marketing reasons (and arguably specifically to cause outrage and get people talking) Ariel doesn’t have a racial heritage that plays into her life and identity… She’s a mermaid from the sea… Not a member of a group with a large history of being discriminated against.

      • @[email protected]
        11 hour ago

        Maybe that’s for the best? It’s a bit weird that MCU went so big on Romani people in specific. That said unless a Romani person identifies themselves, you’re going to have trouble picking them out of a crowd. They are as diverse as the regions they’ve traveled through.

    • @[email protected]
      103 hours ago

      The original actress/singer for Ariel absolutely dominated that role as well, and really the whole cast was damn near perfect. It’s one of the few Disney Princess movies that should have been left alone.

    • @[email protected]
      62 hours ago

      I personally think it isn’t wise to use an actor of any race in substitute of another, if that character’s race is part of the story. The only reason I could think of to change the character’s race, gender, status, etc. would perhaps be to tell a different story, but then it should be renamed and be a different story. But if a character’s race, gender, status, etc. is tied to that character’s story, then it shouldn’t be discarded frivolously.

      From what I see, I feel that a lot of the disconnect is based on whether people find an attribute (in this case, race) important or not as part of the character’s story.

  • @[email protected]
    174 hours ago

    My issue is that we are pairing nationality with skin color or ethnicity here. Those are not mutually exclusive. There are 2nd or 3rd generation Asians immigrants in Mexico, just as there are Mexicans living in Ireland, and Irish people in India, etc… Somebody could be a fully integrated national but not part if the nations major ethnicity. Even saying AFRICAN-American is kind of pointless, like it matters where your grand-grand-grand-grand-parents came from. They’re as much American as anybody else. We don’t call everybody else European-American for comparison.

    • @[email protected]
      458 minutes ago

      In movies meant to be historically accurate though it would be very weird to switch things up. Especially when so much was based on appearance at certain times.

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      Tbh I’m perfectly fine with other races picking up any roles, except for historical movies.

      Another thing on historical movies that irk me to no end is the perfect posh English for every effing Roman or Greek movies

  • @[email protected]
    64 hours ago

    I mean tbf, all of the above have people enraged and people who dgaf, it’s just those flip flop depending. I’m sure there’s no shortage of people here, in this very thread, that aren’t cool with say Native Americans being played by white people, or that Scarlet Johansen played that one lady from GITS (can’t remember her name, never really got into that series, but she’s supposed to be Asian.) Understandably so, really, but still.

    I take it a step further personally, stop remaking anything and if you adapt say a comic or book, stick as close as humanly possible to the source material. Race/genderswapping and reboots for a moneygrab is cool or whatever but can we have good original stories again please?

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      My issue with Scarlet funnily enough is that she’s Scarlet. She’s too big of a star to really meld into the majors role. I just felt like I was watching black widow on screen. Sorta spoilers for anyone who cares but

      Tap for spoiler

      the majors body is full on robot so technically she could be any nationality and color but it would have fit better if they picked someone who fit her original motif since it sorta matters. With the whole, ghost in the machine thing. I’m a huge fan of the franchise and I’m sad that this was the big live action debut.

      • @[email protected]
        19 minutes ago

        I can get behind that too, but I was referring to the backlash at the time it was released, it was all “cast people of that race to play a character of that race because inclusion is good.” Iirc there was one around the same time that played a trans person but wasn’t a trans person who received backlash too.

  • @[email protected]
    427 hours ago

    So what is white if Romani isn’t? I really do not understand the American concept of race, for me they are all humans.

    • @[email protected]
      117 minutes ago

      The American concept is deceptively complex. At first it’s just literally skin color. The Simpsons meme with the cop holding the color swatches is absolutely true. Then it’s about stereotypes. So yeah your skin is light, but are you anything they have a stereotype about? Their entire concept of self relies on stereotypes being true. Otherwise they can’t be smarter just because they’re of pure European descent.

    • @[email protected]
      63 hours ago

      Romani people are Indo-Aryan, more closely related to modern day Indian people than Europeans. They typically have darker skin than Europeans as well. It’s not really an American concept either; I’ve generally seen a lot more anti-Romani sentiment in Europe than the US.

    • @[email protected]
      1 hour ago

      Other people have longer explanations which are great. I just wanted to point out Romani people are not Romanian even though many Romani people have settled in Romania. It’s just a coincidence.

    • @[email protected]
      74 hours ago

      Roma people have historically been very persecuted because of racism and ethnocentrism. Case in point: the holocaust killed up to 500,000 Romani people, but the actual figures are not known. Roma people are among the groups that are rarely talked about when the Holocaust is mentioned, despite losing up to 50% of their total population at the time.

      Arab and North African folks are usually considered white on the US census but that isn’t really an accurate picture.

      Race is a social construct that doesn’t have clear borders. Racial categories mostly exist as a way of creating division and limiting access to resources, to flatten the diversity of individual cultures represented by a racial category… or to inflict direct and systemic violence. The experience of being a racialized person is entirely the creation of the society that a person lives within; for example, African folks usually don’t self-identify as “black,” within Africa, but that’s an important racialized experience that people can speak to in a place like the US.

      • @[email protected]
        42 hours ago

        Holocaust killed Russian and Jews as well, which are white. In fact I would say the Holocaust killed mainly white people.

        Racism is not limited to skin color

    • AbsentBird
      94 hours ago

      Whiteness, at least from a racist perspective, isn’t really about skin color, it’s more like a club for ‘approved’ ethnicities. There’s many Italians with darker skin than Mexicans, but Italians are considered ‘white’ and Mexicans are not. Same for large parts of the Middle East and Asia.

      Romani are white skinned Europeans, but they’re not ‘racist approved’, so they make up rumors they’re actually from Egypt and omit them from the White Club.

      The determination for what counts as white is highly inconsistent. Before the 1700s Germans were not considered white. Before the 1800s Irish were not considered white. For a time in the 1900s Finnish people were considered Asian (while many Finns were striking for better working conditions, what an odd coincidence). Italians weren’t considered white until about a hundred years ago. It goes on and on.

    • @[email protected]
      64 hours ago

      So what is white if Romani isn’t?

      Race science is less a formal science and more a series of excuses for doing social murder and war crimes.

  • @[email protected]
    567 hours ago

    In fairness to Tilda Swinton, they decided to entirely rewrite the character to be a Celtic woman instead of a Tibetan man. This was probably to avoid being censored in China, but getting away from the racist 1930s, “oriental mysticism,” trope was probably a good idea. It’s certainly a lot better than letting Jonny Depp pretend to be a Native American because he’s one-eighth Cherokee.

    • @[email protected]
      33 hours ago

      Liam Neeson is also like Samual L Jackson.

      I don’t give a shit was race the character was originally, the character is about to be transformed into a next level badass.

      • @[email protected]
        2 hours ago

        I have mixed feelings about Liam Neeson in that role. His performance is great, and given that they got rid of the whole, “immortal genius from the Islamic Golden Age,” backstory, I guess the character’s race is less important. It feels very strange that an Irish guy is somehow the leader of a group of Asian ninjas, though.

        The Sam Jackson/Nick Fury story is pretty hilarious. When Marvel created the Ultimate Universe in the comics, they changed a lot of characters’ backstories. One of those changes was making Nick Fury black, and one of their artists started drawing him looking a lot like Sam Jackson. Jackson talked to his agents, and Marvel was basically like, “Well, instead of suing us, would Mr. Jackson like to play the character in any future projects?”

    • 🔍🦘🛎
      54 hours ago

      Well, the Ariel thing is basically the same kind of ‘rewrite’.

      Also Ariel isn’t even “white”… she’s a mermaid

      • @[email protected]
        32 hours ago

        Well, I think it’s a bit different. The Little Mermaid takes place in an unidentified kingdom on the surface (it seems vaguely Italian or Mediterranean, I guess?) and an underwater Atlantian kingdom, so race doesn’t matter. The original Dr. Strange comics have all sorts of uncomfortable racial and religious tropes; it’s about a white guy who finds magical order Tibetan monks, not only learns their magic, but becomes even better than them at it, and moves to New York with an Asian man-servant named Wong who serves him tea. Changing up the races and backstory on that one isn’t just acceptable, it’s advisable.

    • volvoxvsmarla
      126 hours ago

      I remember reading he was one third German and sometimes I cannot sleep at night because I am trying to figure out the math. This has been like 15 years ago and it still bugs me.

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        If it makes you feel better, “one third” is realistically a reduced precision approximation of something like 23/64 (from a genealogical perspective) or near 33% of certain markers on a genetic panel.

        • volvoxvsmarla
          12 hours ago

          I mean I guess that’s what they referred to, some approximation, but it still breaks my brain every time I think about it

          Just like I once watched a video titled something like “this boy did the unthinkable” and then he did something very thinkable (he just ate someone’s face) and I am still mad about that

      • @[email protected]
        36 hours ago

        Sprinkle in a little incest and we are good to go.

        I also have no idea, I thought it was all halves of halves.

        • @[email protected]
          34 hours ago

          You can get some odd fractions by two parents having similar lineages. Like, if your mother is Irish, and your great-grandmother on your father’s side is Irish, you would be five-eighths Irish. I’m having trouble finding a combination that gives you thirds, though.

          • @[email protected]
            24 hours ago

            Doesn’t exist, 3 is prime. No combination of 2^-n will get you a 3 in the denominator.

            …unless somewhere along the tree there’s a person who shows up twice.

            • @[email protected]
              13 hours ago

              Gotcha. Three-eighths is roughly one-third, so I guess that? One-quarter German on one side, one-eighth on the other?

  • @[email protected]
    64 hours ago

    It’s honestly really gross how the U.S. film industry works. There’s a widely held belief that you basically have to have a white lead character in most films for it to be successful. Look at marvel, just as an example. Every single main character was a white man or woman. Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, etc. All white people. Black Panther was the exception, not that he was even really part of the avengers officially. He wasn’t really in their crew at their headquarters. But even the person who played vision, which was heavily dawdled in makeup… White person. That role could have been anyone! The dude looks like an alien, why did it have to be a white guy? Now look at Star Wars, another extremely popular franchise. Every single lead character is white without fail. Luke Skywalker, Anakin, the emperor, Leia, Han Solo, Kylo Ren, you name it, they are white. Mace Windu was the exception, and they just killed him off needlessly Like he was some inconsequential character even though he was literally the most important person in the entire Jedi order. Then Star Wars The Old Republic launched a video game and guess who is the leader of the Republic now? White woman.

    • @Anyolduser
      64 hours ago

      Mace Windu getting killed was the turning point and point of no return for the three film character arc of Anakin Skywalker. That’s a long way from “needlessly”. Sure the character didn’t have to be killed, but the impact of him being betrayed and killed was enormous. The plot of the third film (and the entire prequel trilogy) culminated with his death scene.

    • ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝
      14 hours ago

      I’m pretty sure the Supreme Chancellor in SWTOR is a green woman after the white guy preceding her was offed.

      The other side has a white woman queen, but to be fair, they are racists.

      That said, I would agree white people are overrepresented among humans in SWTOR.

  • @[email protected]
    528 hours ago

    I only care when it’s stupid, like Medieval Poland being full of black people, not even modern day Poland has that many black people.

    You can call me racist if you want but casting a black guy to play the president of the USA in like 1910 would be as stupid as casting a white guy to play Nebuchadnezzar.

    • @[email protected]
      140 minutes ago

      That depends on what you’re doing with it. If Abraham Lincoln is a vampire hunter by night then I don’t think anybody’s going to care who plays the character. It’s obviously beyond reality. If you’re doing the story of Black World War 1 veterans fighting the KKK then you’re going to want representation before the NAACP starts picketing your studio.

    • @[email protected]
      75 hours ago

      Meanwhile middle age fantasy had black knights and it was fine.

      Racists are gonna be racists is all there is.

      • @[email protected]
        136 minutes ago

        The actual Middle Ages had black knights in Northern Europe and Scandinavians in the Middle East. Forget fantasy. That actually happened.

    • androogee (they/she)
      6 hours ago

      Representation matters. Giving the few traditionally non-white roles that get written in Hollywood to white actors is an actual problem.

      Getting mad about the existence of black characters in fiction fucking stupid. Really fucking stupid. Unjustifiably fucking stupid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • @[email protected]
        176 hours ago

        100% agree, but what should be done would be to green light projects by writers of other races based on different cultures and folklores diversifying the pop culture space (for lack of a better term).

        What is done instead is treating minorities as a checklist that needs to be checked in every piece of art even when it doesn’t make sense for them to be in that story.

      • @[email protected]
        197 hours ago

        Getting mad sure, but it is definitely a dumb creative decision to have characters be random races that don’t make sense in the historical context and it’s fine to criticize it. If it’s a purely fictional world with no basis in reality then no one should care.

        • androogee (they/she)
          6 hours ago

          No. Fuckin stop it. Its unbearably stupid.

          Historical fiction has existed for a long time.

          Y’all ain’t out here throwing a pouty parade when someone adds technology or magic or monsters into historical fiction.

          But black people? Existing? If that’s where you draw the line, it’s really clear why. Make all the excuses you want.

          • @[email protected]
            197 hours ago

            Historical or alternate history fiction falls under pure fiction imo. That’s fine as long as it makes sense. If it’s meant to be some super grounded realistic historical slice-of-life then it would just make me think “when are they going to bring up the fact that there’s X type of person walking around here” for the whole story.

            Not exclusive to black people. If there were a story that took place in 12th century Mongolia and there was some Nordic guy walking around I would be like “huh, what’s his story” and then be confused when it was never mentioned. That’s how I feel about a lot of these creative choices.

            • androogee (they/she)
              6 hours ago

              That’s literally just a longer way of saying that it’s okay if it’s magic but it’s not okay if it’s black people.

              & yeah, I’ll hold my breath for people getting equally upset about white people in fiction. Any day now. I’m sure.

              I can’t disapprove a hypothetical, I guess, but a hypothetical isn’t proof of anything either.

              • @[email protected]
                3 hours ago

                But magic doesn’t have any grounding or association with the world as we know it. Neither does aliens. We can only use the world as we know it as a frame of reference for a story.

                I’d argue in lbaudia’s example that it is confusing if in 12th century Mongolia, there was some Nordic guy walking around, I’d imagine there to be a backstory of some kind. If there wasn’t, then that would definitely be an example where I’d be annoyed at white people in fiction.

                I thought a great example of casting was the TV show “The Expanse”. To be able to cast someone as specific as Bobbie Draper so well - these studios have no excuse to whitewash as they do except laziness.

                • androogee (they/she)
                  4 hours ago

                  People made these exact same arguments about the inclusion of a black samurai in an Assassin’s Creed game.

                  A black samurai who was based on a real person who actually existed in history.

                  The game they’re playing is very obvious to anyone who’s actually paying an ounce of attention, and it has nothing to do with caring about historical accuracy.

                  It’s bullshit. It’s an excuse. It’s foolish. I do not suffer it gladly.

    • Cethin
      147 hours ago

      It’d be as bad as having people of color play Hamilton and associates!

  • @[email protected]
    65 hours ago

    I mean, I’m kinda on their side with this. They majorly changed an iconic character who had a distinct appearance. Ariel is pretty much an icon of the 80’s kids back before the internet, so the public zeitgeist was a lot more common and shared, rather than fractured with a girth of media options like it is now. Everyone knew and had an image in their head of Ariel.

    Normies don’t know who tilde Swinton’s character in dr strange is, especially before but even after the movies.

    To point out such things online is racist, or being a weirdo who’s mad about a kids show. Yet here we all are, posting about it again.

      • thermal_shock
        117 hours ago

        if you’re making fun of her looks, I’d like to see the women you pull.

      • @[email protected]
        56 hours ago

        I swear Hollywood has an addiction to those big eyed weirdos because they are a kinda pretty that isn’t exactly normal pretty and it makes you remember their face for triggering your uncanny valley reflex.

  • Flying Squid
    8 hours ago

    Don’t forget Snow White who looks like a white person but is mixed-race white and Latina, so she isn’t white enough to play Snow White.

    And also don’t forget the very light-skinned black woman who couldn’t play Cleopatra because Cleopatra wasn’t black. (How do we know? We don’t? Cool. Cool cool cool.)

            • @[email protected]
              7 hours ago

              Well I was going by the logic that illegitimate child wouldn’t tule Egypt, but that may in fact that be the case, but the argument that her mother isn’t known for sure as an argument that she was black is not very strong, when the only depiction of her being black comes from Jada I cheat on my husband then make him talk about it on video Smith

              • Flying Squid
                7 hours ago

                You’re still making no sense.

                What does illegitimacy have to do with it?

                Why can’t her father have been legitimately married to a dark-skinned woman?

                Edit: Wait, you know the Ptolemys, like all pharaohs, had multiple wives, right?

            • @[email protected]
              46 hours ago

              Yeah I know about them, also there were some pretty powerful rulers and kingdoms in Africa, I don’t have an issue with that, but when Jada Smith makes a “documentary” about how she was black, without scientific consensus then that’s kinda wrong imo, it would actually be cultural appropriation unlike copying some haircut

      • Flying Squid
        15 hours ago

        Yes. Because the noble lineage was passed through her father. We don’t know who her mother was.

      • oce 🐆
        97 hours ago

        There’s no race in current humanity, it’s a cultual thing with no scientific backing so you can make whatever you want like the USA administration did for their convenience.

        • @[email protected]
          37 hours ago

          You do realize that that is mainly from a USA point of of view and mostly directed towards mexico, right? So this isnt’t only kinda xenophobic but you’re basically telling me I should consider myself a different race because random yankees think I am? Yeah, no thanks. The country you were born in does not determine your race.

          • Jojo, Lady of the West
            26 hours ago

            you’re basically telling me I should consider myself a different race because random yankees think I am?

            Race doesn’t really exist*. No one can tell you you’re a race you don’t think you are

            *I mean it exists, but it’s a social construct that only has any meaning because we give it meaning culturally. Any person with a particular racial identity, in a different cultural context, could have a different racial identity. Would have a different racial identity, most likely. But that doesn’t mean the concept is meaningless, just that its meaning is derived from its use, rather than the other way around.

          • Flying Squid
            7 hours ago

            You do know that there is no scientific definition of race, right?

            Also, she’s from the U.S., so…

            • @[email protected]
              15 hours ago

              Who is “she”? The acress in the live action mermaid movie? I literally never talked about her, so…

              • Flying Squid
                5 hours ago

                No, the actress in Snow White. The one I called mixed-race. And then you said that she wasn’t mixed-race because Latina isn’t a race. Caught up now?