• Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
    2124 days ago

    Anyone upset that xkcd is supporting Harris is probably also mad that RATM got political

    • @[email protected]
      934 days ago

      Anyone upset that xkcd is supporting Harris probably hasn’t been paying attention for the last 19 years. I wonder if this header image is a foreshadowing for XKCD 3000 (!) tomorrow.

      • @[email protected]
        584 days ago

        I am always shocked to find out how many engineers are hard right wing. Even more surprising is how many of them are legit insane conspiracy theorists. Not even like mainstream stupid conspiracies like pizzagate. Like ancient aliens built the pyramids to capture Elvis and Batboy to force them into gay marriage before changing both of their genders so that they’re in a double gay marriage then force them to write children’s books so that the children will willingly go with the aliens conspiracy theories. Shit that’s so complicated that there’s not enough red yarn in the world to connect it together.

        • @MrMukagee
          62 days ago

          I met a mining engineer once who believed in flat earth … I debated with him for a while for fun because I thought he was joking. Half an hour later I realized he was serious.

          I had to laugh because at one point I told him that if he honestly believed all this, his work place hazard in mining would be that he could drill right through the plane of the earth and fall right through into infinity … or onto the back of a turtle.

        • @[email protected]
          73 days ago

          Shit that’s so complicated that there’s not enough red yarn in the world to connect it together.

          Sounds exactly like the type of software an incompetent software engineer spits out.

        • @[email protected]
          4 days ago

          I swear this always happens to intelligent people when they age

          Me and my best friend are both gifted kids. Our families are all very smart people and so his mom and dad but for some reason, his mom is a really conservative conspiracy theorist (chemtrails, bill gates and the jews stuff) and his dad has weird spiritualist beliefs and rituals (cult inspired from buddism I think? I’m not sure) even though such stuff is forbidden under islam

          Recently his mom randomly showed us a video where “they” are “vaccinating the fish”. I was going to burst into laughter if I didn’t hold myself so hard. My bestie is a progressive leftist, he believes in science, and he has a very materialist point of view. He says it’s sometimes embarrassing for him when his family members do such thing in public

          And the weirdest part is these are not caused by cognitive decline due to age. They still do understand everything pretty good and they can still process new information in a much more efficient manner than “average” people

          My main idea about it is that skepticism can sometimes be a curse for boomers who did not have a source of knowledge to base their skeptic ideas on, and they are just not used to accuiring reliable knowledge from the web. Reliable knowledge often being in English and majority of boomers in my country not knowing English also contributes to that

          • @[email protected]
            53 days ago


            One thing that gives me some peace is that there was a metric fuck ton of lead (and other dangerous crap) in the previous generation’s childhood. I’m sure there’s plenty of new threats to my brain health, but at least my baby rattle wasn’t lead.

            So it’s not 100% a guarantee that I’ll go that way as I age further.

      • @[email protected]
        83 days ago

        Ok but linear equations are like early highschool, like the slope intercept y=mx+b and all that. I would hope that most people at least know of them.

  • Troy
    804 days ago

    I’m Canadian and cannot vote in the US election, even though it’ll affect us a lot (when a sleeping elephant rolls over…)

    However, it drives me nuts looking at US polls. Harris is ahead by 2.4 points on average, which translates to something like 5-6 million in popular vote. But due to the electoral college system, it’s still a tossup! 538 is running monte carlo simulations based on state-specific polling and margins of error, and Harris is only winning ~54% of the time. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/

    So I say this kindly, as your northern neighbour, please please go vote :D

    We will likely have our own election in 2025 complete with buffoonery.

    • Match!!
      62 days ago

      If y’all really care so much why don’t you have spy groups infiltrating our media to influence the election? Really shows who thinks we’re worth the time 😤

      • @[email protected]
        42 days ago

        See this is how Mother Russia shows she cares by funding dim tools like Tim Pool to spread their form of kleptocracy.

      • Troy
        22 days ago

        Because we wouldn’t want you to do it to us.

        There’s this phrase, that I hate, that goes: good fences make good neighbours.

        I’d rather just be good neighbours.

        • Match!!
          22 days ago

          because we wouldn’t want you to do it to us

          slides the entire Pentagon under a rug

    • @[email protected]
      103 days ago

      As a fellow Canadian, I also cannot vote in the US election, but I support this message.

      To my American neighbors, please make a plan to vote.

    • @[email protected]
      124 days ago

      We will likely have our own election in 2025 complete with buffoonery.

      With smarmy ephemeral know-it-all career-politician candidate fully prepped in his pressed blue jeans and cool new contacts as his sole attempt to ‘reach’ us plebes. Maybe if we avoid supporting his science denier counterpart regionally it’ll have some damping effect nationally.


      • Troy
        74 days ago

        Maybe one day we will get a platform from them so we know what he actually stands for other than “Trudeau bad”. Without a platform we can only rely on soundbites compiled over time. And I really don’t think investing in Bitcoin is sound federal fiscal policy…

  • Cyrus Draegur
    1064 days ago

    Also apparently basic sanity.

    No one in their right mind wouldn’t want to punish the Republican party - especially to death.

    Yeah. It needs to die.

    The GOP needs to be taken out to the gravel pit and fed very fast, very hot buckshot until it stops moving.

    But because we can’t get away with using that weapon to do the job, we’ll just have to use these icky Democrats instead. Even though the Democrats don’t WANT the Republican party to die, we are using the tools we have to do what must be done.

    • Kalkaline
      514 days ago

      If the Democrats could be the party of the “far right” AND we could finally get a Progressive super majority, I would be so happy.

      • Cyrus Draegur
        264 days ago

        for real though, that’s exactly what happens if we can finish the republican party and bury it in the dustbin of history where it fucking belongs.

        In any first-past-the-post electoral system, it will always settle toward there being two parties - how this came out the LAST two times America purged one of its two parties was that the remaining surviving party split.

        So, after the GOP is well and truly DEAD, the Democrat party will massively recruit to fill the power vacuum and then it will begin to polarize. It will polarize into progressive and regressive factions, most likely. And when that happens, we all board the progressive train and systematically purge what remains of the old Democrats TOO.

        At some point while this is going on, hopefully we can dismantle FPTP and replace it with proportional representation elected through ranked choice.

        • @[email protected]
          34 days ago

          Ultimately the castle won’t sink into the swamp and we won’t have to build on top again.

          • Cyrus Draegur
            23 days ago

            Honestly we gotta sink these castles faster if we ever want to reach the bedrock of this swamp XD