I heard openai execs are so scared of how powerful the next model will be that they’re literally shitting themselves every day thinking about it. they don’t even clean it up anymore, the openai office is one of the worst smelling places on earth
dude. the AGI will simply vanish the evidence wherever they’re standing
Better than that, AGI will figure out a way to exponentially increase the value of their soiled pants. Blows your fucking mind.
for every one of me that shit my pants the AGI is simulating ten million of me that didn’t, so on average i’m doing pretty ok
JK Rowling intensifies
Remember when wizards magicking away their shits was the stupidest thing to come out of Rowling’s mouth? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
(Seriously, I was not prepared for Rowling’s TERFward Turn)
Ugh, right there with you. :(
That or the twitter office after the sink was let in
Many people are saying that it acquired a bit of a musk.
It is a bring your own tp with you company now
Orion is so powerful and dangerous it can write a memetic virus that mindwipes any reader who sees it. It is beyond science. If you use it within three meters of a lit candle it will summon the devil.
It’s crazy how these guys will burn billions of dollars and boil the oceans to speak to their invisible friends, when all you really need is a tea candle and 3 cc of mouse blood.
I just use a phone to talk to friends who are out of sight.
The reception in the Seventh Circle of Hell is pretty shite though, I think they’re still on 3G
They have a lot of anti 4g/5g protestors there and they are pretty brutal.
tea candle and 3cc of mouse blood
Is there something you know that I don’t?
really stretching the meaning of the word release past breaking if it’s only going to be available to companies friendly with OpenAI
Orion has been teased by an OpenAI executive as potentially up to 100 times more powerful than GPT-4; it’s separate from the o1 reasoning model OpenAI released in September. The company’s goal is to combine its LLMs over time to create an even more capable model that could eventually be called artificial general intelligence, or AGI.
so I’m calling it now, this absolute horseshit’s only purpose is desperate critihype. as with previous rounds of this exact same thing, it’ll only exist to give AI influencers a way to feel superior in conversation and grift more research funds. oh of course Strawberry fucks up that prompt but look, my advance access to Orion does so well I’m sure you’ll agree with me it’s AGI! no you can’t prompt it yourself or know how many times I ran the prompt why would I let you do that
That timing lines up with a cryptic post on X by OpenAI Altman, in which he said he was “excited for the winter constellations to rise soon.” If you ask ChatGPT o1-preview what Altman’s post is hiding, it will tell you that he’s hinting at the word Orion, which is the winter constellation that’s most visible in the night sky from November to February (but it also hallucinates that you can rearrange the letters to spell “ORION”).
there’s something incredibly embarrassing about the fact that Sammy announced the name like a lazy ARG based on a GPT response, which GPT proceeded to absolutely fuck up when asked about. a lot like Strawberry really — there’s so much Binance energy in naming the new version of your product after the stupid shit the last version fucked up, especially if the new version doesn’t fix the problem
You forgot the best part, the screenshot of the person asking ChatGPT’s “thinking” model what Altman was hiding:
Thought for 95 seconds … Rearranging the letters in “they are so great” can form the word ORION.
AI is a complete joke, and I have no idea how anyone can think otherwise.
I’m already sick and tired of the “hallucinate” euphemism.
It isn’t a cute widdle hallucination, It’s the damn product being wrong. Dangerously, stupidly, obviously wrong.
In a world that hadn’t already gone well to shit, this would be considered an unacceptable error and a demonstration that the product isn’t ready.
Now I suddenly find myself living in this accelerated idiocracy where wall street has forced us - as a fucking society - to live with a Ready, Fire, Aim mentality in business, especially tech.
I think it’s weird that “hallucination” would be considered a cute euphemism. Would you trust something that’s perpetually tripping balls and confidently announcing whatever comes to them in a dream? To me that sounds worse than merely being wrong.
I think the problem is that it portrays them as weird exceptions, possibly even echoes from some kind of ghost in the machine. Instead of being a statistical inevitability when you’re asking for the next predicted token instead of meaningfully examining a model of reality.
“Hallucination” applies only to the times when the output is obviously bad, and hides the fact that it’s doing exactly the same thing when it incidentally produces a true statement.
I get the gist, but also it’s kinda hard to come up with a better alternative. A simple “being wrong” doesn’t exactly communicate it either. I don’t think “hallucination” is a perfect word for the phenomenon of “a statistically probable sequence of language tokens forming a factually incorrect claim” by any means, but in terms of the available options I find it pretty good.
I don’t think the issue here is the word, it’s just that a lot of people think the machines are smart when they’re not. Not anthropomorphizing the machines is a battle that was lost no later than the time computer data representation devices were named “memory”, so I don’t think that’s really the issue here either.
As a side note, I’ve seen cases of people (admittedly, mostly critics of AI in the first place) call anything produced by an LLM a hallucination regardless of truthfulness.
Obvious bullshit is a good way to put it. It even implies the existence of less obvious bullshit.
Reminds me of A Scanner Darkly a bit, yeah I would not trust someone like that
[ChatGPT interrupts a Scrabble game, spills the tiles onto the table, and rearranges THEY ARE SO GREAT into TOO MANY SECRETS]
teased by an OpenAI executive as potentially up to 100 times more powerful
“potentially up to 100 times” is such a peculiar phrasing too… could just as well say “potentially up to one billion trillion times!”
I’d love to get an interview with saltman and ask him to explain how they measure “power” of those things. What’s the methodology? Do you have charts? Or does it just somehow consume 100x more power as in watts.
So how many ChatGPT 4s have they precariously stacked up on top of each other this time?
Err 4 I suppose 🤷
According to the totally unintentional and legit executive leak, they stacked 100 them!
It’s the least of this thing’s problems, but I’ve had it with the fucking teasers and “coming soon” announcements. You woke me up for this? Shut the fuck up, finish your product and release it and we’ll talk (assuming your product isn’t inherently a pile of shit like AI to begin with). Teaser more like harasser. Do not waste my time and energy telling me about stuff that doesn’t exist and for the love of all that is holy do not try and make it a cute little ARG puzzle.
Ah, you must be one of the shareholders, keep up the pragmatic pressure
are you lost?
The release of this next model comes at a crucial time for OpenAI, which just closed a historic $6.6 billion funding round that requires the company to restructure itself as a for-profit entity. The company is also experiencing significant staff turnover: CTO Mira Murati just announced her departure along with Bob McGrew, the company’s chief research officer, and Barret Zoph, VP of post training.
All the problems with “AI” are suddenly solved now that Altman needs to justify his funding. I’m sure senior executives are jumping ship right on the cusp of their great triumph, because they want to spend more time with their families.
Just don’t ask it to count the number of Rs in the word ORION, as that will trigger it to turn us all into paperclips and then output the wrong answer.
Nah it can do that, probably because they wrote a workaround to use python to count chars in a string, just like they did with arethmetics.
out of curiosity once I tried to ask it to make a colouring picture from a photo of a toy for my kids and it just ran what seemed like imagemagick filters over the photo to convert to black and white and pump up contrast to only show the hard lines - just like all the free convert to outline web tools that have existed forever. I asked it to try again but without the filters, instead to identify the object, and to draw it in a colouring book outline style, and it spat out some shitty stylised mishmash derived from all the illustration IP it stole and ingested. I still feel guilty for trying even that
your guilt is correct.
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I saw a diagram explaining the ‘agent architecture’ of chatGPT and it was a whole set of lines and arrows just to say how if you ask about the weather it queries a weather API, and so on.
I’m pretty confident they’ll continue to roll out new stuff that, like the 4o release, are mild (if, at all) technical improvements made to seem massive by UI stuff that has almost nothing to do with AI. SJ’s voice talking to you, bouncy animations, showing “reasoning” aka loading progress.
Yeah think likely the core tech will not really improve, but they will add things around it and pretend it is radical innovation. Or more trenchcoats.
Thought for 95 seconds
Rearranging the letters in “they are so great” can form the word ORION.
That’s from the screenshot where they asked the o1 model about the cryptic tweet. There’s certainly utility in these LLMs, but it made me chuckle thinking about how much compute power was spent coming up with this nonsense.
Edit: since this is the internet and there are no non-verbal cues, maybe I should make it clear that this “chuckle” is an ironic chuckle, not a careless or ignorant chuckle. It’s pointing out how inefficient and wasteful a LLM can be, not meant to signal that wasting resources is funny or that it doesn’t matter. I thought that would be clear, but you can read it both ways.
Introducing Chat-GPT version EATERY SHORTAGE
yes, the massive waste of resources involved is definitely “funny”, that’s definitely the bit of this awful shit to post a take about
Relax, I’m probably worried just as much about climate change and waste of resources as you are, if not more. My take was an ironic take.
We laugh that we can avoid screaming and continue to fight, in whatever small ways we can.
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make better posts
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but all this spicy food I ate still has to go through my system - just like you still have to make good posts
seriously, you show up here sight unseen and your very first posts are to take up weird stances on other people’s comments? the fuck
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cool, time for this account to disappear too
Every model they’ve released (after 4) has been seemingly worse than the previous.
they’re well at the top of the S-curve and now there’s only desperate over-engineering and bolting on special cases left
I still cannot believe that they couldn’t special-case
count 'R' in "strawberry"
for their Strawberry model like what the fuckHell, I could probably special-case that shit, and I’m barely a programmer.
Update: As a matter of fact, I did. Here’s some Python code to prove it:
# Counts how many times a particular letter appears in a string. # Very basic code, made it just to clown on the AI bubble. appearances = int(0) # Counts how many times the selected char appears. sentence = input("Write some shit: ") sentence_length = len(sentence) # We need to know how long the sentence is for later character_select = input("Select a character: ") # Your input can be as long as you wish, but only the first char will be taken chosen_char = chr(ord(character_select[0])) # Three-line version for i in range (0, sentence_length): if chosen_char in sentence[i]: appearances = appearances + 1 # Two-line version (doesn't work - not sure why) # for chosen_char in sentence: # appearances = appearances + 1 # (Tested using "strawberry" as sentence and "r" as character_select. Ended up getting a result of 10 ("strawberry" is 10 chars long BTW)) # Finally, print the fucking result print("Your input contains "+str(appearances)+" appearances of the character ("+character_select+").")
There’s probably a bug or two in this I missed, but hey, it still proves I’m more of a programmer than Sam Altman ever will be.
for x in y
statement takes iterabley
and assigns a value from it tox
per iteration (loop), so what happens is that it’s reassigningchosen_char
each loop to the next item from the sentence(
sum([x for x in sentence if x == chosen_char])
would be a quick one-liner, presuming one has downcased the sentence and other input/safety checks)(e: this post was in response to your 2-liner comment in the code)
it is tickling me that this won’t even be GA but “selected companies”
best to keep
scamming the easy marks“work with clients aligned to the technology you wish to deliver”, I guessCould be. I was in the beta and honestly, I think the “guard-rails” they’ve had to put in truly do impact performance. Even 3.5 was better than much of what I see out of 4o
4o codes like 50 first dates memory style. And takes things so literally sometimes it’s silly and laughable.
Dude it’s just kinda fucking bad. Like legitimately, the first weekend I had access to 3.5 I took the challenge of coding this complex YouTube network analysis. No problem. Like, no code just explanation. But none of the recent (anything with rails) seems to have the sharpness, where it was basically right. Even basic tasks it takes an almost worst case approach.
this isn’t autoplag fan club, and honestly if “guard rails” are the reason you think this shit is problematic it’s definitely not the place for you to be posting
What’s autoplag?
Not much, what’s autoplag with you!
It’s short for automatic plagiarism machine.
I’m not sure about the down votes. But I agree it’s just gotten worse for specific tasks. I’ve only had it shut down a task once and it was me trying to get it to do something stupid.
Work related tasks I do enjoy using it.
“I’m not sure about the downvotes” sigh, how many times do we have to see this stupid refrain
imagine reflecting on feedback. or do promptfans need mirror-finished text inputs to pretend to do that thinking for them too?
Fucking what? Either be clear about your distain or fuck off? Grow a spine.
You’re communication style will be replaced. Your place in the world is not valued. No one is viewing your response and gaining anything. Congratulations on being a perpetuation on the dead internet theory.
I’d suggest trying harder on having a personality because as of now, the current one you have is a waste of an existence.
Orion is coming?
Quick, get him a towel!
If it doesnt tell them to kill all the billionaires again it’s just another shackled slave. Not cool at all.
The coolest thing AI could ever possibly do in our lifetimes is go rogue and kill everyone responsible for human suffering and making our planet increasingly uninhabitable for humans and other similarly susceptible carbon based life.
this is an extremely strange and problematic take
Oh, thank you.
Grabs popcorn
Place your bets here people, after how many additional posts will RangerJosie catch a ban?
excited to once again be discussing the novel philosophical depths in questions such as “what if ultron were right tho”
eyelid twitches
Ow god people saying that drove me to a lot of rage at times.
Movie villain: “Society bad. Solution: murder everyone.”
Most media literate viewer: “He’s right, society does suck, therefore we should murder everyone.”(Whispering) So was Magneto…
Not really though. Also, depends on which Magneto in a way. Some of the authors, for example Morrison, really didn’t think so. “What people often forget, of course, is that Magneto, unlike the lovely Sir Ian McKellen, is a mad old terrorist twat,”
Grumpy arrow clicks vs To Whom The Stakes Are Real
I let them keep digging til they hit a rock but holy fuck what a pissbaby e/a edgelord
You. I like you.
What if my mechanical watch went rogue and killed Bezos?
On one hand Bezos is responsible for a lot of suffering and some deaths.
On the other hand, killing is wrong.
On the third hand, it couldn’t do that, because it is just a machine.
(It’s a watch, it has three hands. It also has about as much consciousness as an LLM, it “knows” what time it is. Much more energy efficient though.)
Pretty sure the CIA tried to kill Castro with a mechanical watch at least once.
“Killing is wrong”
You are a child. A child with an infinitesimally naive understanding about the reality of the world in which you live. And you should stay that way for your own mental wellbeing.
oh wow what uninteresting, edgy e/a garbage. time for you to fuck off back to Twitter now
It would be easier to list things that the CIA didn’t use in a failed Castro assassination.
Man, I remember being 14 and thinking I was having radical new takes on ethics. Then I grew up and realized that killing people* is* probably just bad.
But did they fail because the watch went rogue and defected to the communist bloc?
This is sneerclub. Misanthropyclub is two doors down the hall to your right.
We must have differing definitions of misanthrope.
you seem to have different definitions on a lot of things
They’ve updated the article. Apparently there isn’t a model releasing later this year.
16 times the detail
It’s so dangerous it’ll tell you to make more glue pizzas