These things
It was in a pitcher. Definitely grape Kool-Aid or a knockoff of it.
Prune juice. A warrior’s drink.
Stored in blue barrels.
Stored in the balls.
You’re thinking about pee.
Aren’t we all?
Ah, my mistake.
It’s purple drank
basically grape flavored sugar water
Not basically. That’s exactly what it was lol. Water, sugar, artificial colors and flavors.
That’s all fruit juice is. All the vitamins are gone there, too.
They may be, but there aren’t any traces of fruit in these. These are just dyed sugar water lol
Sugar, water, purple!
Always assumed it was grape juice, specifically Welch’s which was a popular item in the 80s/90s.
Oh hell nah. Welch’s is grape juice made from actual concord grapes. Purple drink is made of purple.
Back then everyone was drinking promethazine like it was water. Children at school, high on the lean, making thanksgiving turkeys with hand prints. No one ever coughed tho.
Left over Flavor Aid gifted from the neighbors that seem to have disappeared…
It’s a fine Cabernet.
The word “over” is doing some heavy lifting here. That commercial came out in the 70s. It’s closer to 50 years ago. Dave Chappelle was joking about it in the 90s.
It came out in 1991.
I’m not sure where you got the idea that the commercial was from the 70s.
Sometime after 2000 BCE, the question of what the ambiguous reference to “purple stuff” referred to became a shared cultural flashpoint.
Red 3 + Lead + Angel Dust = purple stuff
It was purple drank, no doubt. Everyone knows that
Purple stuff is Jesus juice.
Grape juice.