Apparently drinking iced coffee in this heat, makes me not British. At least according to the old man at the local café, as I walked out with my drink. So what is a British drink on hot days?
Where do I hand my passport in?
Enjoying something on a hot day is decidedly unBritish, you scoundrel! Instead you should have been tentatively sipping a blisteringly hot cup of bad tea and complaining loudly and extensively all the while.
Bloody foreigners. Can’t even be bothered learning our customs! Pshaw!
Pint of Stella. Then like 8 more.
Stella? Foreign muck. It’s a warm pint of Carling or it’s off to the colonies with you.
I’m what you might call a cosmopolitan gentleman of the world, innit
‘London, Ontario, Canada’
So what is a British drink on hot days?
Iced sticky toffee pudding bovril anything else is colonial tat
Can’t go wrong with a cuppa tea and a spoonful of denial.
Funnily enough, hot tea is quite cooling. It’s really popular in Botswana.
Anyhoo, a Magnum, please.
Pimm’s Cup
I had to scroll down THIS far to see Pimm’s? WTF? Are there any actual Brits on here??
Please head to the nearest Pret A Manger for expatriation processing.
Nice hot cup of tea.
Yes, the caffeine and the hot water will make you sweat, which will have a cooling effect.
Anything other than hot tea with milk (and optional sugar) is deviant!
Ah the Gatekeeper has been found.
Now, we search for the Keymaster.
Milky, tea with bag left in, that’s not been drunk in time and is now revoltingly tepid. Bonus points for 4 teaspoons of undissolved sugar at the bottom.
My entire family mocked me for drinking coldbrew last summer, I caught two of them buying some last week and they told me they never did it so remember it’s only good when they know it’s good
The sweat off thier stiff upper lip.
I’ve no idea. I don’t drink hot drinks at all and people think I’m strange because of that. I had one person tell me they don’t trust people who don’t have hot drinks. I hope they were only joking.
Iced coffee is cold not hot
I realise that.