is this the part where I imply your mother has loose morals?
I’d like to remind our guests that we have a bathroom.
First thing in the morning and you make me laugh hard enough to not only cry but wake a housemate in another room, and he passed out hammered last night, he was out like a rock.
… yeah, morals, that’s whats loose, yep…
Definitely a DP; Digital Painting…
You realize everyone thought you were going to say double penetration
Why would they think that? This image looks nowhere close to anything sexual.
Whaaaat!?! I would never!!!
I totally missed that but now can’t unsee it. Before your comment I was in team “sword fight”
Kermit, Ms. Piggy, and Bert.
Ive been staring at it for a while to see if it could possibly be anything else. Got nothing.
Honestly, my first thought was that it sort of looked like a Mario level.
two clowns about to touch peens
Double penetration (one in the ass and one in the vag).
The bisexual in me prefers double vaginal penetration, but it’s difficult to find good DVP without running into the same guys in every video, or some nasty Russian shit where they also piss on the girl. Instant boner killer.
Agreed. I draw the line at pissing on them
Two guys about to swordfight. With their pork swords.
Exactly what I saw. Nice to know that I am not the only pervert here
I believe the kids these days call it “frotting”
Oval Office meeting of the 2 co presidents
Ah, so that’s America in the middle then.
A regular dugtrio and an upside down dugtrio. It’s funny how the upside down dugtrio managed to dig itself into the ceiling
Super Mario 3 level.
Exactly. This is Mario’s PoV as he runs towards the princess.
clown orgy
Check the comments for the name of the actress…
A smartphone in my hand.