• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    it’s just so anachronistic that it’s still illegal anywhere. nobody deserves criminal prosecution for any drug, let alone marijuana. it should be trivial paper shuffling to fix it too, it’s not like it needs funding or infrastructure. just hit the fucking button!

    • donuts
      8 months ago

      I think it actually requires passing a federal bill, but I’m not honestly sure. Either way I’m with you, it should never have been made illegal and it certainly didn’t still be federally illegal today…

    • Karyoplasma
      28 months ago

      Germany is finally trying to legalize it, but I have no hope that it’s gonna last past this term. “Drugs are bad mkay” seems to be what media is trying to propagate into people’s minds.

        • be_excellent_to_each_other
          118 months ago

          Was fairly tongue in cheek, but when I fired up kbin and hit the 12 hour filter (as is my usual) I think three or four of the top ten posts were about Ohio abortion rights. Had to dig further to find this one.

          I’m not really grumpy about it being mentioned here though, just a playful early morning comment.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Yeah it’s just that this headline was the only one I saw for a while, and I didn’t see anyone mention it in the comments either! So I’m happy to spread the word. Glad to mention it here. Surely some people saw one or the other first, and we’re gonna be shouting out in the streets.

    • @[email protected]
      -128 months ago

      Nope, not as important. Marijuana legalization affects the freedom of more citizens than access to abortion.

      Both should be legal of course.

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        As a huge stoner, I’d say fewer broke families without the means to raise their children is a bit more important than legal weed.

  • @[email protected]
    718 months ago

    Between the marijuana and women’s rights, conservatives must be losing their goddamned minds with rage right now.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      I did a ride along with an Ohio police department years ago. Marijuana was present at damn near every scene we responded to. Usually it was the least of their concern. Scatter it, grind it into the dirt, move on. Barely worth mentioning in the paperwork.

      It’s been a long time coming and I’m glad they finally made it official.

    • Ghostalmedia
      528 months ago

      And if you count the states that have it decriminalized and or offer prescriptions from Dr. Nick or Dr. Spaceman, then there aren’t very many holdouts left.

      Biden should just run on abortions and weed next year. Make it federal if the democrats can take back enough of the house and hold the senate.

          • @[email protected]
            198 months ago

            Biden promised to get rid of student loans as well. He started the program right before the 2022 election, and it got ruled illegal right after it. Maybe he’ll make weed legal by executive order in October of 2024, only for the courts to rule “wait, you don’t have that power” in December of 2024.

            • @[email protected]
              38 months ago

              Law should be what society wants the law to be. Law should not be what some elite minority ruling class wants the law to be.

          • BraveSirZaphod
            58 months ago


            Federal pardons have been issued for possession crimes, and removing it from being Schedule 1 is currently underway. It’s the federal government, so nothing is fast and everything takes forever, but I don’t think it’s really accurate to say that he’s done nothing.

            Especially given that essentially zero people are now prosecuted federally for weed possession now, a bit of a wait for the bureaucratic gears to turn feels fine enough for me.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              Yeah it helped about 6500 people, but the rest is taking way too long, even by government standards.

              At this point I’m not holding my breath he ever gets it done, so I guess check back with me in 2024.

        • @[email protected]
          108 months ago

          He can’t. He can recommend to the CSA that it be descheduled from a schedule 1 controlled substance (and that recommendation carries a lot of weight), put in place agents who favor descheduling it, or order DEA, HHS, and FDA to consider administrative descheduling.

          Vote out Republicans. That’s the only way to make sure it becomes legal.

        • Franklin
          38 months ago

          He can’t and as another commenter pointed out his health panel submitted a research paper along with a recommendation to move cannabis to a schedule three drug.

          He’s already doing what you want it’s just not loud about it so you don’t know.

          If you wanted to be fully legal you’re going to need to start writing your congressional representatives because they’re the ones who can do it

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        I don’t know if people even think about voting in terms of campaign promises anymore. They never pull through. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me every fucking 2 years for my entire adult life, shame on me.

        Just keep it honest: Not fascist vs fascist. Weed will stay illegal, climate will continue to spiral, wealth gap will continue to increase, healthcare will continue to be abusive, abortion will continue to rely on flimsy court decisions, etc. But at least we’ll keep having elections, so we’ve got that going for us.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          This is what happens when the system boils down to two parties. Neither party has a reason to fulfill any promises because what’s the voter going to do, vote for the other party that’s even less aligned with their political views? GOP is definitely putting that to the test to see how extremist they can get while still having some modicum of power, but what if everyone does end up voting democrat? Well then there’s no reason to democrats to promise anything because it’s not like people are going to vote for anyone else. The entire system is rotten.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          With all due respect, he did everything in his power and spent a lot of political capital executing on the topics in question.

          Biden shocked me on what he did for pot, and what he tried to do for student loans. I thought it was hot air.

          The question is whether Biden is a fascist because the Far Right sued him and won over student loans, or because the DEA continues to laugh at him when he asks them to change Weed’s classification (because he cannot, he can only stop prosecutions and free prisoners, which he has done)

            • @[email protected]
              38 months ago

              No he didnt what?

              Didn’t blanket-pardon people in prison for possession? Didn’t order the stop of federal possession arrests? Didn’t formally request the DEA change the ranking for Marijuanna?

              Didn’t shock me?

              What didn’t he do?

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      It’s not enough. And it should be federally legal.

      Just a reminder as people mostly know but it’s worth repeating: Marijuana is a schedule 1 substance in the same category as heroin, fucking heroin, which is absolutely fucking asinine. Psilocybin is up there too and also just as retarded.

      This all being said at least we’re making some slow progress.

  • @[email protected]
    578 months ago

    Hope it lasts. The problem is it’s an initiated statute rather than a constitutional amendment, so that means the can be repealed or amended by the gerrymandered state legislature anytime, and Republicans are already threatening to do just that.

    • @[email protected]
      438 months ago

      I say, go ahead and do that. This passed in a landslide, and I’m looking forward to a blue Ohio where Gym Jorden and the worthless Republicans flushed down the toilet like the stale turds they are.

      • @[email protected]
        198 months ago

        The legislature is gerrymandered so bad, there would be no consequences. The Republicans have safe seats. Ignoring the voters will have no consequences. We need another decade for more Boomers to die to turn blue.

        • @[email protected]
          258 months ago

          It passed by a 14-point margin. That means Republicans in republican districts voted for this.

          The thing is with gerrymandering of seats? The margins are razor thin. You lose a couple of percentage points, and you lose that seat. Fighting this, and you lose more than a few percentage points.

          • AutistoMephisto
            58 months ago

            Exactly. There’s enough actually sensible Republicans on the issue of weed to cost the GOP a few seats.

  • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
    8 months ago

    So PA is going to be officially surrounded by legal states, while only having medical

    This is worse than the fireworks.

    • Bone
      138 months ago

      I feel like they are just fleecing people through the medical system at this point. ID cards, goofy doctors, etc. Enough is enough.

      The system is growing exponentially. I was given those numbers by one of the goofy doctors. Pretty remarkable!

    • @[email protected]
      128 months ago

      We New Hampshirites are as well.

      Our state is called the “Live Free or Die State” too. So much for that bullshit as long as Republicans are in charge.

    • @[email protected]
      128 months ago

      Don’t worry. Many lawmakers in Ohio have already said they’ll immediately overrule it via legislation. Dunno the legality of what they’ve said, but I wouldn’t put it past them.

      • partial_accumen
        168 months ago

        Many lawmakers in Ohio have already said they’ll immediately overrule it via legislation.

        I would imagine any legislative actions would be ruled unconstitutional as the method of legalization was a state Constitutional amendment.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          method of legalization was a state Constitutional amendment.

          No fucking way lmfao that’s hilarious 😂 Cheers to any Ohioions 🌿 reading this

          • @enragedzeus05
            8 months ago

            From a different site I came across. I am not politically savvy but this doesn’t sound like an amendment the way issue 1 was.

            “Since Issue 2 is an initiated statute, lawmakers are free to change or toss out the version that voters approve. But even though GOP leaders disapprove of recreational marijuana, a total repeal seems unlikely. They may instead look at the revenue distribution or impose additional requirements.”

            Source: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/11/07/what-would-ohios-marijuana-and-abortion-ballot-issues-do/71485973007/

            Edit: spelling is hard

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              This is basically how it goes with “begrudging legalization”. The legislature figures out exactly how much they can get away with pushing back while still keeping their seats. There was a little of this in Massachusetts, with the Governor and Mayor both speaking out against legalization when the Question made the ballot.

              They dragged their feet for a while on licensing, and gave retails licenses to friends first. If I recall correctly, an overturn vote made it to the next ballot. They rolled it out slower. They jacked up the pot tax an extra 8% (10.75% tax on top of our sales tax AND an optional 3% local tax). They added the silly “5mg per dose of edibles” limit. All stuff they could get away with, but that makes the bill more palatable to pot-haters.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          The legislature can and will find ways to neuter the amendment.

          They did it here in Florida when we voted to restore the rights of felons after their punishment was complete.

          The legislature ruled that the felons had to pay back all outstanding fees before they could get their rights back. Felons get changed by the jail for their stay, so most leave with 100s of thousands in debt on the books.

          Then the state purposely makes it impossible for felons to even find out how much they owe, meaning even if they were to somehow get the money paying is very difficult.

          It has effectively prevented any felons from getting their voting rights back. I think the actual number who have is less than 10 and we passed that amendment in 2020.

      • donuts
        98 months ago

        Imagine being so brazenly undemocratic that you’d try to overturn the will of the people themselves. 😩

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          Welcome to Republicans. They openly believe that law should never be based on the will of the majority. It’s why they draw heirarchy-focused voters. A Republican Vote isn’t “they will honor our wants and needs” as much as “I trust them to be my manager, and make hard decisions I might not like”

          I think a real government needs a little of both sometimes, but a WHOLE LOT more “will of the majority” and only a little “hard decisions I might not like”. They feel the other way around.

      • Dark Arc
        38 months ago

        I’m hoping they’re just showboating… but also if they want to actually take that poison pill… it’s their own funeral.

      • FoundTheVegan
        8 months ago


        Wait omg rly? Omg I am so happy rn I’m omw blessed ohio save me some vegan edibles

        • @[email protected]
          118 months ago

          Stick to Columbus and Cleveland. Cincy is pretty wealthy right in my experience. Everywhere else just kinda sucks tbh.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            I’ll have you know there are some very ni e national and state parks that are perfectly agreeable.

            Because no one lives there

  • FartsWithAnAccent
    228 months ago

    Wow Ohio, that’s a surprisingly not insane move! Soon you won’t be the Florida of the north if you keep this up.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      The good news is if we keep sending all our boomers to Florida eventually Ohio might be a place younger people can have a say in and want to live in.


      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        eventually Ohio might be a place younger people … want to live in.

        I’ve never read something so awful /s

        Congrats on your wins tonight from your enemy rival friend to the north.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          As a Toledo resident, the best part of tonight is that i no longer have to feel dirty crossing the border OR support your state’s economy to buy good edibles! /s

          In all serious though, my mom’s side of the family is from Ann Arbor, and there are many beautiful parts of your state that i have been lucky to go see. Old Town Lansing is such an underrated place IMO.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            I mostly do the “eww ohio” bit as a joke. I honestly have no real strong opinions about your state other than it’s gerrymandered to hell.

            Though I will admit that Ohio gaining legal weed is going to be a slight inconvence for us since a lot of you do come over for weed. Plus now we’re at 24 states where its legal. Come on feds just make it legal already

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              I’m a long time Columbus resident, but I’ve never had much of a stake in the rivalry, people take that shit too seriously. Gonna agree with the other guy that Michigan has some real beauty to it. I drive through it every summer on my way to northern Wisconsin and that’s an enjoyable 11 -12 hours.

              Beats the Chicago route any day!

    • Dark Arc
      58 months ago

      This whole Florida of the north thing is really overblown.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          I dunno. The crazy shit in Florida is that it’s a clearly purple state with solid “liberal industry” (disney world, major colleges, etc) that finds itself SOMEHOW passing laws like it’s Kentucky and being a bastion of Republican Criminal Bullshit.

          Indiana isn’t purple (pretty Red). It doesn’t have as solid a “liberal industry”. Sure, it wants to be Kentucky. One outta 3 :)

    • billwashere
      68 months ago

      Man NC is moronic. Replace all the lost tobacco money with weed money… I mean come on. Should be a no brainer.

      • Marighost
        38 months ago

        NC is the prime climate for growing too. I’ll be making the drive to the Cherokee Reservation when they get their dispensaries running, and they can have my money.

      • @[email protected]
        108 months ago

        Only under an incredibly convoluted and stupidly managed medical program run by public officials who publicly stated they didn’t want it.

        I’m glad cause the “Ohio 8th” which was 2.8g instead of the 3.5g, because it was 1/10th and was the standard for a “day” of consumption will finally die. As will the stupid an convoluted “days” system, limits to purity of product, so no more limiting strains to below 30% or dabs below 80% purity. No more $200 annual fee for medical cards. No more limits to business licenses so more dispensaries, more production centers, more competition. It also adds the right for a person to grow up to six plants. And to commemorate that I’ve got a home hydroponic system from Vevor and Mars Hydro on the way, so I’m finally free to grow my own.

        The lower prices and less restrictions will finally lead us to recapturing almost $250mil per year in tax $ to Michigan as well. My heart goes out to all the dispensaries in Michigan that are about to close, but damnit that’s our tax $.

        This 100% ends the BS interference DeWine and the R’s have been putting on us. I look forward to the next 30 days and beyond as all this is established. The law goes into effect 12/7.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          Congrats on the passage and good luck on your grow!

          I got started again earlier this year when my state (MN) finally got it passed, Mars Hydro is great for tents and lights, also grabbed an AC Infinity inline fan which is basically silent compared to the old POS blower I had from 10 years ago while moving a shit ton of air.

          I really think home grow is the biggest benefit of legalization, being able to produce your own cannabis and watch it thru the entire process is kind of magical compared to just handing someone cash and getting a bag of junk back. I’m looking forward to getting a press and playing around with concentrates, such an exciting time for cannabis.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Thank you! I lived in Michigan for a few years quite some time back, and grew up there while I lived there. Never have in Ohio yet, but it’s like riding a bike lol. It really is different when you do it yourself.

            If you do get a press make sure to do it immediately after harvest or freeze a bunch of nugs before you cure them! The yields will wildly differ and the flavor profile of the terps is much better.

    • @enragedzeus05
      18 months ago

      Did it rock last night. My sister lives on w9/st Claire and she didn’t say anything happened outside the norm.