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Nobody wants to 'cide anymore
People are just so pc nowadays
said Trump … (Very opionated & weird comment)
Has the woke agenda gone too far?
Because of avocado toast
Your average boomer is now in their 70’s. They are buying up property and mistreating their kids. Life is good, they think. Then they find out the youth are eating an easy food combo they never even fucking heard about, but one that’s cheap and amazing. “Avocado Toast? What the fuck is this shit? Spike the prices on avocado! Push it out of their price range!” I’m sorry sir! Avocado is cheap. It’s easily farmed. “Spike the prices” they scream, remembering their days on the stock market. They expect reason. Dominance An end to avocado toast. But it never comes. They watch aghast as young people continue to consume avocado toast despite their anger, and they take it personally. “If it’s so good why didn’t I get to have it when I was young???” they scream. They all lose their minds as the avocado trees bloom.
The boomers also own the farms that over-planted Avocado to profit off of the ‘Avocado Toast’ craze and now the market, within the next few years as most trees mature, will become over-saturated with fruit driving the price down. They won’t be worth picking.
I have a feeling we will see Avocados going through woodchippers to keep the price high.
Damn millennials, they ruined avocado toast.
Maybe export them instead, shits expensive in Europe
The machine must ruin everything.
Cancel culture!
The only thing I’m proud of when looking at gen Z is that they are completely unwilling to go to war for the military complex and giving their life fighting a battle where they have nothing to gain but everything to lose. That’s way smarter than my generation or the baby boomers ever were.
are completely unwilling to go to war for the military complex
Are they though?
"Post-millennials (also known as Generation Z or Gen Z), born from 1996 to the present, now constitute nearly 90% of the Army’s active duty junior enlisted and nearly 35% of all junior officers (Defense Manpower Data Center, 2018, p. 29). "
That is the only justified killing. And waves, but I’m no surfer.
Centrists - making the world a friendlier place for fascism since forever.
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Centrist is picking and choosing from each side, not doing a little of everything.
the dogshit stupid takes i see in this community are just proving that nobody here has actually ever encountered a centrist
please do tell me about your mythical centrist
This comment does not inspire confidence in your willingness to actually read it.
Did their comment hurt your feels?
Bad faith bro strikes again
I’m excited you think of me enough to give me a nickname!
It’s so cute, I can picture our future together.
I haven’t encountered many unicorns either, just horses with ice cream cones on their head. Still looking though.
I haven’t encountered Rhino’s in person but have seen many online. I think that might be what you’re looking for.
ah yes, and i haven’t found any actually independent thinking liberals and conservatives. just people who are checking their favourite left/right wing political commentators twitter to regurgitate what they say.
I’m also picking and choosing from each side, which is why I’m a leftist. Does that make me a centrist?
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And always picking genocide from the political salad bar.
You people make up such fantasies in your head. This is far from the common trail of thought.
Echo chambers and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Surprisingly, simply saying “EcHo ChAmBeR!!1!” without counter arguments has not fixed the problem.
I’m as shocked as you are.
Surprisingly, making it worse does even less good than pointing the causes out
I’m indeed shocked you tried so badly to make a “gotcha” towards obvious statements
I feel dirty, time for a shower.
there’s no agreed definition of echo chamber though.
It is an echo chamber to say “murder is bad” “CSAM is bad” “rape is bad” - as 99.99% of people, when pushed, will agree those things are bad, echoing each other verbatim.
Rightwingers aren’t people
Point proven
Indeed, the point that rightwing scum should be hounded up and left in a deserted island is brilliantly made by rightwingers themselves.
What kind of drugs are you on?
Bro/Sis this is what is happening in the debate about refugees in Germany right now so no, actually you are wrong
Well, back when Steinmeier was our foreign minister and toured poor countries to advertise Germany as the land of opportunity and wealth because corporations wanted slaves they don’t have to pay properly, I was called a Nazi by many for saying that they won’t find any opportunity or wealth in Germany. Our government never had the well-being of immigrants in mind, they just stuffed them into dilapidated “refugee camps”, told them their education is insufficient and left them to rot. I am not surprised.
Any relevant links? I tried to google it, but it seems to me that the debate is about funding them - not about killing them.
I can’t speak to Germany, but in the UK the government had to be forced to use the lifeguard to save drowning people because they wanted to let refugees die, and had to be forced to stop sending people to Rwanda (even if they’re not from Rwanda) just to get rid of them.
Both stories are easily googlable.
That’s not a genocide. There is a big difference between refusing to expend resources to save peoples life and actively expending resources to destroy lives.
I dont particularly care about defining what is and isn’t a genocide, I care about not killing people.
And the Nobel Peace Prize you get for that will be mailed to you. Until it arrives, let’s do discuss about definitions, nuances, and all these other annoying details that set a principled debate apart from blind virtue signalling.
I, for one, really care about the distinction between initiating something evil and merely not doing enough™ to stop it. The UK did not made them refugees. Sure, the old British empire caused trouble all around the globe, but modern refugees are mostly escaping from regional wars and totalitarian governments. One could say that it’s still their fault because that’s the aftermath of them leaving, but that would imply that the UK should have kept occupying these countries, so you probably don’t want to go there.
So they did not cause them to be refugees. Both the refusal to save them from drowning and the deportation are an expression not of a deliberate attempt to kill them, but of a refusal to help them. The UK government does not want these refugees to be in the UK.
If we take this issue and place in the OP template, it’d look something like this:
Right: Let’s not let refugees in.
Left: Let’s let all the refugees in.
Center: Guys, you’re gonna have to compromise, let’s just let /some/ of the refugees in.
…One should notice that:
- Unlike the original post, this is not a strawman. You don’t have to go very far to the right to find plenty of people who want to let no refugee in, and you don’t have to go very far to the left to find plenty of people who want to let them all in.
- Once the strawman is removed - the centrist position does not seem that absurd anymore.
- If you keep insisting that “not accepting refugees” equals “genocide” - people will stop taking your claims about genocide so seriously. Because you don’t care about definitions, so it could mean anything.
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It’s fucking satire
Did you think this was supposed to be a direct quote?
It’s peak /c/theLeftCantMeme
Nah more like AteTheOnion
So you, a non-leftist, are against the cultural genocide and ethnic cleansing occurring in Gaza? That’s refreshing!
Just a little casual genocide, nothing major, some dead LGBT folk here, some dead minorities there… normal stuff. Just wanna grill.
As long as they’re our alliest, gotta let Fascists be Fascist once in a while to release some steam.
A few dead children and blown up hospitals is just collateral damage. There’s nothing we could do about it1
1that wouldn’t upset our Fascist allies.
They’re not even good allies. They’re busy shooting American citizens and selling US military technology to hostile powers. But I guess the end times needs Israel to begin so 50% of our politicians will mindlessly bootlick Israel and 40% of the rest are spineless cretins who think bipartisanship means ‘compromise, always’.
I love the smell of minority&meek soap in the morning. Then I remember I’m a right wing catholic white man with privileges and I use them by shooting some jets of fire with my pocket flamethrower from the fully open window of my monster truck while on the way to the usual grill with the boys, as my god intended ;)
Edit: Obviously satire
I can’t believe someone with an anime profile picture isn’t spouting bigoted nonsense.
I usually see anime profile pics submitting code to Linux open source projects.
anime pfps are one of the only valid demonstrations of horseshoe theory
Like they said, bigoted nonsense
That’s because it’s a Nichijou anime profile picture. That’s a green flag in my book.
all I hear is helvetica standard
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so misrepresenting centrism is not bigotry? which dictionary are you using?
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A little genocide never killed anyone.
Cough Israel cough.
Ha, you activated my trap card. I play not-so controversial opinion. Flavor text, “Biden is center right.”
Uhm… knight to B5?
You fool, my face down card on B5 was ANOTHER TRAP CARD.
Do you even en pessant?
Centrist: it can’t be genocide because they’re doing it slowly.
It’s not genocide because there are still some left.
Actually encountered one of those in the wild.
Interesting how everyone seems to think this tweet from 2018 seems to refer to th situation in Gaza in 2023.
Those crows were circling.
Are you 'murican? I don’t think the rest of the world agrees on any of the US’s “definitions” of left, right and liberal. From a European POV, the US democrats are really, really far to the right. Sanders might be leaning toward the center. The republicans are a strange mixture of libertarian regarding economical matters and very very right-wing/intrusive on personal matters. Whenever someone even mentions/comments other people’s sexual orientation and identity I automitcally assume they are creep that wants to sniff other people’s bedsheets. How can you be partly libertarian and also creepily nazi-intrusive? US-republican invention I can’t wrap my head around, that is.
i hate to break it to you, but there are a lot of leftists that are very comfortable with genocide.
Lets be honest with ourselves, half of the left is in support of the genocide happening is gaza. have seen this in both US left. and just as much in German, UK, Dutch left parties. only the French left has somewhat of a push back against that, France seems to be the only western country to still have genuine left factions among its left parties.
half of the left is in support of the genocide happening is gaza.
Liberals aren’t leftists, Clyde. They are literally the centrists (ie, confused right-wingers) the meme is referring to.
No true Scotsman fallacy.
No true Scotsman fallacy.
Fallacy Fallacy. Simply naming a fallacy doesn’t mean the argument is wrong. Recognizing fallacies help you know where to attack an invalid argument, they don’t attack it for you.
If someone said I wasn’t a true Scotsman simply because I have no Scottish heritage and have never been to Scotland they would be correct. It’s not a fallacy when the person in question doesn’t meet the definition of the group. The definition of Leftist is not “to the left of someone else in the room, even if if that person is a full Authoritarian.”
You said something on lemmy and I think it’s wrong so lemmy fallacy! You’re wrong! :P
Hey, I just wanted you to know that you can’t just say “fallacy” and expect it to mean something.
That doesn’t apply here, liberals fundamentally aren’t leftists. Liberals are centrists.
While I totally agree that liberals are not leftists. Liberals in the US are on the left.
I don’t really expect you to learn this, as a self-identifying leftist, because your priors are everything to you, but it is true.
Being left of the far-right does not make one a leftist. Words have meanings.
I would never claim liberals are leftists. Leftists are liberals who failed math
Curious how you came to that conclusion. When I was in the math department in college, most of the smartest students were full-blown communists. Though I’m not sure how you think math factors into it in the first place
Liberals in the US are on the left.
So the original post was talking world wide. Limiting the scope to a very right wing portion of the world doesn’t magically change who’s on the Left.
If you have a room full of people saying “Let’s form a dictatorship and conquer the world!” and 1 person says “I don’t think that’s a good idea”, that person is not automatically “on the left” just because they are to the left of extremist right wing views.
No they are absolutely not.
It’s cute when you guys do Bernie Math to try to make yourselves seem correct.
Condescension: how centrists concede an argument.
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Liberalism is the ideology of capitalism.
Leftist politics reject capitalism.
Liberalism is only left compared to conservatism, but both are on the right wing.
It doesn’t get any simpler than this, Clyde - liberals aren’t leftists.
Never has been. Never will be.
A quick Google search failed to inform me what a “clyde-liberal” is. Would you please explain?
“Clyde” is you - “liberal” is also you.
Do the math.
Lmao what? Liberals vote in favor of right wing economic policies. Scotsman fallacy doesn’t even apply here
I once asked the hexbear community why they are pro-genocide against their “opponents” and got called Hitler when I didn’t think it was reasonable to commit genocide at all.
From my point of view it’s the extremists on both left and right that is the biggest problem.
The leftists looks at right extremists and think to themselves that the entire right-wing is like that. Same goes for people on the right. They look at what the leftist extremists do and then argue that it’s how people on the left think and act.
But just like all of life, politics is not black and white. Just because I agree with the left more than the right that does not mean I agree with the entire leftist politics.
The Spanish center-left is re-positioning itself denouncing Israel’s actions after years of ambivalence, and the Spanish left is calling for sanctions.
How terrible for Spain.
There’s no Left in the US. The “Left” is more of a Center Right
Jesus Christ this has been disproven so many times. No just because the people that push politics that are often to the left of most European democracy’s main left leaning party are old white farts too does not mean that they’re a secret center right pretending to call themselves a left leaning party.
Jesus Christ this has been disproven so many times.
Centrist Democrats have found their equivalent version of Bush Jr’s “terrorist sympathizer” accusation, and they’re going to use it as a cudgel against the left until it stops working.
They do not care that the claim is ridiculous.
But they considers themselves leftists, and their voters see them that way as well.
ALL the left parties in the back a ceasefire and The Green Party calls for an end to the occupation. Labour are more right wing than the Conservatives when David Cameron was elected. There are left MPs still in the Labour, many have been fired or have quit.
I can’t call Labour a left party in all good faith. it has been taken over by the blairites. Corbyn brought hope to the left movement, but he was run over by the fifth column of his own party. just like the US the UK is stuck in a two party system controlled by billionaires, hedge funds and the military-industrial complex
I’ve yet to see a leftist be pro-genocide. Tankies don’t count. Tankies are confused edgy children.
Which centrists actually support any amount of genocide?
E: Every down vote without discussion just proves my point even more. You’re all in a cult.
Nah, both sides suck for different reasons.
Most situations have more choices than the two you are often presented with. For example, who is in the right, Hamas or Israel? Neither of them. They’re both trying to justify killing innocent people because the other side killed innocent people.
In the meme, a centrist would obviously agree with the Democrat. If it were flipped and the Democrat were saying some equally off the wall thing, they’d side with the Republican. They’ve both become extremist versions of what they once were and the other side points out the obvious insanity and gets to feel smug about their low hanging trophy. And dumbass people from both sides eat it up.
Why do you think people are clinging to the center despite all the weird hate against it? They don’t want to be associated with either side. Both sides get some things right and some things wrong. Yet, we’re expected to take them as a package deal, because politics have become cult like.
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Oh, I forgot you Americans are still arguing about basic stuff
You missed the point, there is no compromise and even people who identify as centrists will have different thoughts.
Me personally?
Healthcare as a right is already a thing. You can get it even if you’re unemployed right now. The real problem is in the insurance/medical/pharma industries with all of the insane price gouging. It needs to be more obtainable and more effective. Free? No, medical supplies and labor still have some cost even if we fix the issue of cost and that money needs to come from somewhere. Even if it were given out for “free”, you really think our taxes won’t go up to compensate?
Abortion? Let them do what they want.
Health care should be free for the simple reason that it’s inhumane to deprive a person of it just because they can’t afford it. It’s a basic human right. It works in many other countries. Maybe rich people and corporations should stop getting tax breaks and your government should reduce a bit the amount spent on the military.
Jupp, healthcare should be free for the individual in need. And at the same time it is not “free” because the costs get compensated by taxes. At least that’s how it works in Germany, where i am from. So the point of the person you answered to stands: yes, free for individual, covered by state/insurance which gets the money from someone else.
The person I replied to literally said it shouldn’t be free because it may increase their taxes. So it was implied that they meant it should not be free for the individual, meaning the individual should be expected to have to pay for their own medical treatment when needed.
That’s one of the reasons I don’t like the left, you guys expect everyone to be in lock step on every issue and you use a holier than thou approach to do it. However, I don’t want to live in a Christo-Fascist Theocracy, so even though I don’t love it… I will still vote D for now. I’m literally on your side, but it’s impossible to have a conversation with you guys. The right and left’s chances of that are near zero and it’s fucking sad. You call us centrists, but most of us never moved. You guys did. You move the line more and more every day.
That is very a very american-centrist pov, it’s your bi-party stuff that’s fucked up, not the left
I mean, I thought the right’s problems were pretty obvious. I don’t think there are many right wing people that need to hear it here anyways. Right wing people seem to absolutely love it when you tell them their party is flawed anyways.
To your other point, this thread is literally me saying the two parties are a problem and I’ve posted other comments in here saying people should vote third party.
Now you really gone and rilled the identity warriors with you mentioning “bi-parties”…
Not sure to understand what you mean
“Bi” as in “Bisexual” rather than standing for “two” as you probably meant it.
Bad joke, sorry ;)
Oh nice joke :D
I have been trying on Lemmy for months. They purposefully and willfully misunderstand all centrists / independents and for some reason feel they are all secretly right wing.
It’s the current state of US politics - the straw man they’ve built in their head that has all the wrong opinions has the same label that they’ve slapped on you, and labels are all that matters to them.
Most are not here to engage, think, and expand their worldview. They are here to push the “fuck you” button that gives them a dopamine hit by punishing you for having the wrong label.
But once in a while you’ll talk to someone who treats you like a real person, and it’s kind of wonderful.
I’ll take the downvotes happily everytime. I know it’s going to happen as I’m writing, but if it means it gives even one person something to think about it’s worth it.
Unfortunately I don’t think it will make anyone brainwashed by echo chambers think, only enrage them
The issue is that “centralist” has been co-opted by the American Right. The republican MAGA element has flopped so far to the extreme right that the old right now looks in the center. Because of this, and the idiotic behaviour of the MAGAs, a lot of republicans seem to use “centralist” to distance themselves. A lot of the original centralists have been forced into siding with the democrats.
From the outside, American politics is all right wing. The democrats are more in line with most countries right wing parties than their left. This has only gotten more extreme recent years. Right now, the democrats are far too close to the centralist joke in this meme. “A little bit of genocide is ok” at least when it’s not Americans. You act like it’s far fetched now, but we also joked about the MAGA idiots and Trump becoming president.
Not everyone is American. I’m German and it’s way less distinct here imo. Yes, I hate the right with a passion (as everyone should), but the left really isn’t any good either. It’s just all a big bag of trash.
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