• @[email protected]
    2087 months ago

    I get the sentiment, but MAGA being furious at anything doesn’t mean much. They only have that one state.

    • jayrhacker
      837 months ago

      “Your Boos Mean Nothing, I’ve Seen What Makes You Cheer”

      • @[email protected]
        87 months ago

        If things aren’t bad, then the religion they tend to have in common is false, because it promises a depraved and lawless world that needs their religion in order to survive.

        Can’t even begin to countenance that people are happy and altruistic in spite of their religion.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          It’s especially hilarious when you see how antithetical it is to their holy book. Chronically angry and infuriated is not how I would describe the depiction of Jesus. When he did get angry, it was against people being hypocrites or selling things in the temple or mistreating the poor & foreigners.

          They’ve created a religion that is antithetical to their holy book, and they’re told to rage against the very things their figurehead would support. It’s no wonder evangelicals want kids to be illiterate.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      That’s because black people could get the same healthcare as them or read about their mistreatment in the past. Can’t have that.

    • @[email protected]
      707 months ago

      Sure. When a cop murders an unarmed black person. In the immediate aftermath of a school shooting. Any time a lgbtqia+ person commits suicide. Imagining an 11 year old being forced to carry a rapist’s offspring to term. Burning books. Any time they see a confederate flag. Most time spent watching Jeff Dunham.

    • partial_accumen
      347 months ago

      MAGA usually seem pretty happy when they are limiting or taking away the rights of women, people of color, or people that love someone besides the their opposite sex. Another time they are happy is when they are instilling their christian religious beliefs in law while at the same time repressing non-christian beliefs.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    In Mitt Romney’s defence, if I had to choose between four more years of Joe Biden and Donald Trump potentially forming the Fourth Reich, I’d choose Sleepy Joe any day of the week.

    I don’t like Biden but he needs our energy. The opposition is so much worse.

    Almost like Romney is one of the few Republicans with some actual fucking integrity.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      It’s kind of funny how McCain and Romney were/are the voice of reason in the GOP. We didn’t know how good we had it. Or rather how much worse it could get.

      • @[email protected]
        127 months ago

        We took for granted basic decency and respect, and didn’t think Republicans would just toss them out completely.

      • Vegaprime
        67 months ago

        I remember being mad at him for the 48% comment. Good times.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        He was a kind person with conservative values, the type of person the asshole conservatives would hide behind to conceal their real goals. When the open racists and sexists became less popular, they needed to present themselves as reasonable individuals that just value traditional American values. In many ways they did, but McCain, like George HW Bush, still had some liberal values. They believed in winning democratically, unregulated capitalism, and the liberal world order.

        While these more principled conservatives wanted to make a weak liberal democracy, they still wanted liberal democracy. They still wanted consent of the governed, but they also wanted a socially darwinian society. They believed in human rights, but only the negative ones. They didn’t think people had a duty to help up their fellow humans, only a duty to not let others push them down directly. For them, small government and neoliberalism was their goal, but they had a naive view of what other conservatives wanted.

        Trump era fascists are conservatives who don’t care about any liberal values whatsoever. They want free markets, but only when it benefits them. They will allow democracy when it helps them win, but abandon it when they lose. They don’t want a liberal world order, partially because they don’t grasp how well it benefits the wealthy, but also because the rules of the world order limit their preferred methods of unprovoked violence and hard imperialism. Trump will invade any country if he can benefit from it, only avoiding countries that also have fascist aligned leaders, and not wanting to directly fight countries that can fight back.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        McCain was usually pretty classy. I disagreed with him on many, many issues, but always respected him.

        This is some classy shit. Man was willing to be booed at his own rallies to defend decency.

        I think he also would have been a good President overall - much better than any Republican in my lifetime. 2008 was my favorite election ever because both parties put their best candidate forward and they ran a campaign centered on respect (Palin’s antics notwithstanding).

        • AreaSIX
          27 months ago

          Sure, he was all class, all of the time! What a funny guy, not at all an absolute psycho who shouldn’t have been anywhere close to power.

          He was a war mongering cunt, and he can rest in piss.

          • @[email protected]
            47 months ago

            Obama went nuts with drone assassinations. FDR set up detention camps for American citizens. Washington owned slaves. Churchill helped set up a Zionist state leading to much of our current woes. Bernie supported the NRA until he ran for President. Clinton signed DADT.

            They all did way worse things than sing a stupid song to make the crowd chuckle.

    • @[email protected]
      197 months ago

      Romney is no saint. Just because he is being pragmatic now doesn’t make me trust him.

      I can say the same for Joe Biden though. I don’t like his history or his politics but a vote not for him is a vote for Trump next November.

      I hate this fucking reality.

  • Beefalo
    607 months ago

    This election is going to be one of the worst ones and that’s saying something.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      That is what they say every single time. But hey, if we’re unlucky or they cheat, which they will… then it will be the last time they say that.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      This election will be interesting when Trump is in prison during the actual election in November

      • @[email protected]
        87 months ago

        It’s very likely he still won’t be locked up by then. Maybe if the DC trial starting in March can get through conviction and sentencing quickly. Or an even longer shot would be if the GA case gets the August date they asked for and can get everything done by November. He probably won’t see real consequences until 2025. Just hope he lives long enough for everything to finally catch up to him.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          Trump will not see a day behind bars in his lifetime.

          Even if he does get convicted before November of 2024, which itself is not guaranteed, he will almost guaranteed be allowed to remain free while the appeals play out. This is a process that normally can take months or years. Throw Trump being Trump into the mix, and it’s very likely the appeals will extend beyond his lifetime.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            I used to think it would never happen. Now I think it just probably won’t happen.

            I’m not willing to bet the farm on him not going to prison anymore though. Shit is stacking against him, and there’s almost certainly more criminal charges on the way.

            One of his top employees broke down on the stand the other day and mentioned a handful of investigations including a criminal investigation that was not publicly known before then.

            Fucker just needs to live long enough, but I don’t know that his cardiovascular system has what it takes.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          Why can he even be a candidate when there are criminal charges against him? I don’t understand the system there.

          • Billiam
            87 months ago

            The US Constitution doesn’t prohibit people from running for office while in prison. On the one hand, it helps to prevent the party in power from jailing their opponents to keep from losing power. On the other hand… Well, this.

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            Keep in mind that the constitution was written by people who were all considered criminals, so there wouldn’t have been much appetite for being hard on “criminals” in the political process.

            Also think on the civil rights reform era. Many of the very well respected figures of history were, at the time, convicted criminals under unjust laws.

            Of course, it is inconsistent that in many states a felon can run for office, but can not themselves vote. I would say the weird part is that they aren’t allowed to vote.

            In short, in a sane world, we should not have to rely upon disqualification to judge a candidate for their crimes. Nor should we have to fear the felon vote, even if they want something unreasonable, they should be drowned out by the more reasonable voters. Even as many folks may currently be on the side of “I don’t want that asshole to be able to run”, there’s a slippery slope from that to having candidates you do like get disqualified owing to unjust laws or application of law.

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            Since the Constitution doesn’t say it, the entire politcal population us entirely too goddamn stupid to do the obvious.

            • @[email protected]
              37 months ago

              It would have been super weird for the constitution to be upset over people considered criminals, since the founding fathers were considered criminals by the British government.

  • @[email protected]
    527 months ago

    Guess it’s good he’s not running for office now or re-election later, so he can openly not give one rat’s ass about it.

  • @[email protected]
    417 months ago

    MAGA furious in much the same way my 1 year old neice was furious that I wouldn’t let her drink paint last weekend.

  • Instigate
    267 months ago

    “Anybody. I would be happy to support virtually any one of the Republicans, maybe not Vivek [Ramaswamy], but the others that are running would be acceptable to me. I would be happy to vote for them. I would be happy to vote for any of the Democrats too. I mean it would be an upgrade from, in my opinion, Donald Trump and perhaps also from Joe Biden,” Romney said.

    The senator added: “I like President Biden. I find him a very charming and engaging person, there’s some places I agree with and most places I disagree with him. I think he made all sorts of terrible mistakes, but I would like to see someone else run.”

    Smart man. If I were a Republican, I’d probably say the same. He seems to see things right down the line. It’s a shame he didn’t manage to make it to become the 45th president; echoing his sentiment it, would have been a far greater alternative.

    • @[email protected]
      247 months ago

      He’s an actual traditional conservative, which isn’t a republican anymore. But he has the freedom to say this because he’s on his way out. If he was in the first half of his career, there’s no way he’d be so up front.

      That said, as someone who voted against him, it has been refreshing hearing him vocally go against Maga for years. But he has had the luxury because his seat in as head political Mormon in Mormon controlled State, and his status in the party as a former presidential nominee. He was never risking much besides being a target of MAGA domestic terrorism.

      • @[email protected]
        117 months ago

        The comparison is with trump. I might vote for a Scientologist if he’s my only other option.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Mormons are afaik relatively chill people even if some of their beliefs are a bit whack. I’ve met a few IRL, and that South Park episode fits my understanding of them pretty well. For the most part, I think they follow the actually good parts of the teachings of Christianity rather than going to the fucked up fundamental/GOP version of it.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          One side of my extended family converted to the Latter-Day Saints. I’ve been to two Mormon weddings and even once went on a date with a Mormon lady who came from Texas.

          They’re chill people, 100%. In fact, they’re probably the closest you’ll get to traditional family values in today’s society. Contrary to beliefs spread by shows like Family Guy, they don’t believe in polygamy. They just don’t like alcohol or caffeine.

  • @[email protected]
    207 months ago

    they always say stuff like this once they’re out, since they aren’t playing the game of willfully obtuse anymore.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Sounds like some people need to learn to lift themselves up by their own MAGAstraps

  • NotAFuckingBot
    7 months ago

    (To the tune of ‘The Eensy Weensy Spider’)

    The melty little snowflakes went off the rails again,

    “Why won’t fuckin’ Romney stay on the Trumpie Train?”

    A zombie’d surely starve there, tryin’ to find a brain,

    As the melty little snowflakes go off the rails again.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    107 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Senator Mitt Romney faced backlash online Saturday from supporters of Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement after a resurfaced interview showed him saying he’d vote for Democrats in the 2024 presidential election.

    Romney, a Utah Republican who has served in the Senate since 2019, announced in September he won’t seek reelection in 2024, citing age as a contributing factor.

    In late October, Trump denounced Romney as “a total loser” who allegedly “begged” to be appointed secretary of state in 2016.

    However, Romney has since continued to become a prominent Trump critic and was the lone Republican senator who voted in 2020 to convict the former president after he was impeached for pressuring Ukraine to open an investigation into the Biden family.

    The book features several moments of harsh Trump criticism from the Utah senator, including his description of the former president as “really not smart.”

    In previous response to a request for comment, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek that Romney is "a certified loser who announced his retirement after everyone learned he was serving himself instead of his constituents.

    The original article contains 731 words, the summary contains 182 words. Saved 75%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      Also people on Twitter are big mad. I actually think you’re a good bot for leaving all that nonsense out.