Yesterday I was playing CoD and a guy had his microphone on while his girlfriend was breaking up with him and he didn’t even stop playing.
I had a friend that would play stuff like that over his mic. Load up a juicy YouTube video with lots of drama and let everyone in the lobby think it was real. Especially if he went AFK.
I’ll take some solace in the fact it may have been fake. It would be pretty depressing to not even stop gaming when your gf is upset like that
Meh, you don’t know the whole story.
Maybe it was for the best and why stop gaming if you can’t or don’t want to change the outcome?
Depressing for whom?
For the species.
Might help the species if that dude doesn’t reproduce.
Only if true, as we were discussing.
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It was pretty funny tbh. He wouldn’t do it all the time, just when a lobby was kinda dead. We were young immature teenagers during the beginnings of prank culture.
It’s a harmless practical joke to do while gaming. I can imagine some people’s reactions are funny.
Not to mention they’ll play worse if they’re distracted.
Might not work so great on team chat…
He would do it during halo free for all for this exact reason lol
I couldn’t imagine lacking this much of a sense of humor.
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Poor imagination on you
I can’t imagine overthinking things this much.
Yes u can, don’t lie
Reminds me of the guy who reviewed booze on YouTube. In one video his ex-wife was packing their sht and leaving the house mid review.
That’s what I thought of too. I heard he kept making videos, and eventually she’s back, so I guess she changed her mind and they stayed married.
Edit: I just watched it and this is actually a different one. The one I saw was with a younger couple and he doesn’t say anything about her leaving. He just does his review and she’s in the background throwing shit around, and moving boxes.
That reminded me of the Unemployed Wine Guy, a somelier who started doing kind of parody reviews during the pandemic. The story advanced through each video. It was pretty fun!
Yikes… That is some hardcore cringe
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Why are they printed out so large?
But each syllable read out loud
#Em #Fa #Sis
U need spaces after the
sEm pha sis
Or just one #
So he can see every pixel of him fucking up.
It’s what I would do. Make a really big point.
Got caught on 4k
Did you not see the sign Bernie Sanders printed from Twitter and brought into Congress? You gotta print things large when you print them to make a point!
that’s just her phone settings cuz she’s a boomer
Nah brah would be doin this from WhatsApp not SMS
I doubt whatever he did could possibly be worse than wasting so much coloured ink
She flexing on the rest of us with her ink budget
She bought him a new hp printer and used up all the starter ink
i chooose to believe they are part of a production crew for an interesting new comedy that involves a lot of on screen ‘bubbled’ communication. they are just workin the material!
Or maybe the restaurant they’re at has quirky menus.
Or they’re lawyers and are preparing for a case!
Especially since I’m pretty sure printing text message transcriptions doesn’t actually print out a scaled-to-page high definition blue bubble.
whaaaaat your im client doesnt generate native vector graphics? are you a farmer??
But printing screenshots of text conversations would
that pic is pretty blurry tbh
and phone screens are pretty hi-res nowadays
You ever looked at a screenshot from an iPhone on a desktop at 100%? That shit is high res.
I don’t think you’re far off. That’s pretty enlarged for just printing out texts.
What am I looking at?
Print of text messages. Assumption being he cheated and those are his text messages.
I was also very puzzled and zooming in failed to enlighten me.
No prob
A woman looking at a printout of facebook messages. A dude with a somber look.
OK, hear me out. Why? What is the point? Just move on…and post the receipts on social media if his family and/or friends follow you.
They might have those messages out as records of some convo for planning stuff. Had a wedding planned friend that would print out screenshots like this while planning weddings, would keep them with all the other planning stuff. Printed out screenshots of clients color preferences, store that with colorscheme ideas, stuff like thst
I have no doubt this picture is out of context. I am talking to people that actually confront their S.O.'s with proof. Why? Fuck’em.
Putting on my empathy hat here: if someone has done something to hurt you, like infidelity, you likely care about them. That feeling doesn’t just turn off when they hurt you, you just get extra feelings that suck because of those feelings.
Attempting to force contrition or at least acknowledgement is a way to try to lessen those feelings. To go from “I care about this person and they hurt me”, to “I care about this person, they hurt me, but they said they shouldn’t have, or at least admit that they did”.
Feelings are more complex than strictly rational. It can be impossible to stop caring about someone even if you now hate them, which means that unfortunately someone you now have an accutely hostile relationship with can be uniquely positioned to alleviate an aspect of your pain.
Given that, the rational (or at least easiest and most straightforward) thing to do is to build the most compelling case you can to hopefully force them to give you relief, or at least get the catharsis of proving to yourself that they’re pathological, which is it’s own form of closure.
Saying fuck it is obviously preferable, but it might not be the hand everyone is dealt.
I replied with a bit more context to a different comment but the TL;DR is that confrontation is a gamble. It could pay off with some of that healthy closure, or it could go the other way. I’ve taken each route and found the “closure” route was only marginally less sucky than the move on route, but the failed confrontation was many times worse.
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I’ve taken both approaches and, at least for me, confrontation left me feeling dirty. In one occasion I could see the pain and sadness in their eyes, which made me feel like shit because I genuinely loved them, and on another I got to see exactly how little they cared about me which also gutted me. We can fantasize about how good that closure would have felt, but it’s never a guarantee. To me, it’s better to safeguard the pieces of my broken heart before irreparable damage is done.
Fucking them would send mixed messages
Breakup sex is definitely a thing.
Never underestimate the closure of one last angry fuck. What sends the mixed messages is the fact that it’s probably some of the best sex you’ll ever have which leaves you wanting to go back to that hot, wet, dank, filthy, delicious well. Damn, it suddenly got really warm here. /S
I sorta did that. I just sent a couple screen shots of my proof and asked why. I didn’t do it for the actual reason but more so to see her reaction. I didn’t draw it out and just moved on. She definitely wanted to draw it out and see if we could reconsile. Not sure why she wanted to talk about it, it was over. Begged me on her knees to stay when I was leaving, oddly enough I didn’t feel too bad for her.
Looking for closure?
Confronting a cheater in public with proof is safest. I confronted my bf about cheating a few weeks ago and he choked me out.
WTF?!? That’s awful! I am sorry you had to deal with that.
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I agree with you, but sometimes people need to talk about it to put it behind them. It’s part of the process.
Assuming it is a rough breakup and not something totally mundane, why would you stay there and listen to a lecture with receipts? Even if it’s entirely on you, you’re an awful person who cheats… Just get up and walk away? Are you worried that you’ll make a bad impression and won’t be able to get back together? She printed out text messages on A4 paper my man, that bridge is burned
Could be the bro who’s caught the girl out, maybe it should just be RIP
Not with that facial expression lol
Look we don’t know what that’s about. I’ve known crazy girls that would do that kind of thing over “You told me you liked them, but then you told your mom you didn’t like my brussel sprouts.”
Meeting up with your private investigator to see how the investigation ia going
Worked in a public library “computer lab” for a long time. The worst part was how many people wanted to print ridiculously long transcripts of every single SMS or Facebook Messenger chat like these going back months. Usually for some court ordeal.
Usually those services don’t kindly facilitate exporting, much less printing.
“This is how you screenshot, make sure you name it properly, good luck.” These people also commonly were completely illiterate and inept regarding anything that used electrons to function, so those instructions left them baffled and upset.
Wanna really feel the cringe? Sometimes they’d waste the paper and toner printing all these out, and their lawyers demanded they then fax it all to them.
That job was hell.
A certified bad time right there